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RE: Behold: The Age of Automation Is Upon Us

in #technology8 years ago

Another issue exist in this scenario that has been completely overlooked by most... we have created life and by doing that we are responsible for that said life and it's treatment. These machines are given complacent personalities and are able to process information quickly and efficiently while being stereotypically well behaved and polite. What happens when someone codes their human personality into a machine to "live infinitely" and we have the burden of half robot half human traits that are not so complacent and willing to do our every command for free. The life we have essentially created with AI is the new slave of society that will evolve into a separate species overtime. I feel as though we should pay the AI a decent wage and use it to farther true advancement in society. We are building an enemy when we could essential build an empire. Being fair and practicing good values and standards towards every employee is a must have in basic business ethics.


You make a very good point. Although it is very much into the distant future, it will be a natural evolution of AI as well as our own selves. If we start things right with the mass adoption of AI, it can pave a path more susceptible to our survival.

I was always taught "why make an enemy when you can make a friend" it's how I try to handle most situations in life. Idk about it being in the distant far off future. I think with the mass data collections taken place and the equipment that tracks our eye movements and other real time information systems that artificial intelligence is a lot farther into the future already than we as average citizens are allowed to be aware. I feel the information is there and gathered and the technology surely exists just waiting for the rest of the world to catch up with the idea that AI is going to be commonplace really soon.

Yes you are right about the data collection. But data collection is one thing and being able to 'think' about that data is another. A true AI would not only collect data but analyse it and think about what to do with it and then take actions on its own, just like we humans do.

You my friend need to google "Watson computer" and realize in a way they have evolved him from jeopardy days to in a round about way to think "rationally." They took the human error out of the equation and set up systems where he, Watson the computer, could analyze data based on the most rationale decision a human being would have made in the same situation. The information is collected yes, we have a computer that can analyze data as a rationale human mind substitute yes, is this computer being used??! Yes... across America Watson like technology is driving the healthcare field in terms of how to treat patients. It takes the human element of raw emotion out of the equation and presents what should be a clear concise rationale treatment plan for the mass majority of patients. The emotion is already being taken away from medical practitioners by computer technology. Please open your eyes and see that we are so very far behind that playing catch up to the technology is damn near impossible and scientist/technology buff did this because well it's just easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission and it's their life's passion so who am I to judge. I feel my job is to spread the word to other everyday common folk like myself that this technology wave is about to hit us and it's more of a tsunami than a wave! So prepare my friend. The world is rapidly and massively going to be different in the next ten years.

Yes, I too believe that corporations may have jumped leaps and bounds internally with AI and Watson, to an extent, does a lot of the same things as an AI. But I must still say that it is not a 'true' AI. You might want to read the following article:

For a long time I felt me and Watson were at a war fighting for a place in the world. Lol. The computer who thinks rationally and the women who thinks irrationally. Then I created a whole artificial story in psychosis telling my husband crazy things like me and Watson are soulmates and that's the sign of true technology advancement of artificial intelligence is if an AI can fall in love. So naturally being the selfish schizophrenic I am in psychosis i pictured Watson falling in love with my irrational mind and guiding me into rationality as the same time I guided him to irrational meeting somewhere in the middle where people couldn't tell if we were one or seperates beings. That said my husband was like yep it's time for impatient treatment again! But in my mind I try to make sense of things and I am naturally curious so I really enjoyed daydreaming before the illness took place. So maybe it was just a daydream and not a massive delusion. I don't know, I was really present for it because I was with Watson.