Moral 'Enhancement' Technology: A Bad Idea

in #technology7 years ago

Moral enhancement technology is something "leaders" and "social scientists" have thought about for ways to "improve" human behavior. They think we might be better off if they induced "moral" obedience.

But would it really be moral? Why are they not trying to educate and provide accurate moral understanding through conscious willful effort on our part, instead of our default automatic intuitive attempts to live morally and fail from a lack of understanding moral principles?


Research into moral enhancement technology concludes this technology is not wise to implement, nor feasible (at least for now). I say it's foolish to want to (and even downright wrong/evil to do so). People who think they can force moral obedience through technological mind control instead of educating moral understanding are the fools. I bet authority figures would love a way to manipulate morality, for our own betterment and benefit of course, right? We can trust the government and other authorities to look out for what's better for us...

The idea behind this is about using bio-medical technology to make people more moral, as if it's some mere physical attribute that can be tweaked. We've seen this play out in the past when behavior doesn't match up to the "expectations" others have. They introduced lobotomies as a way to "heal" people, but they ended up just making people into zombies of sorts.

We have refined our brain surgery now it seems, where some criminals can get some surgery for moral defects or take drugs to treat their behavior. The "need" to "enhance" the behavioral compliance of everyone else seems to be on the minds of those in political power.

Well the research shows that even if you can manipulate or modify the sense of morality in people, you can't make sure they improve their behavior towards being more moral.

Researchers reviewed existing research on these technologies, like pharmaceutical interventions and neurostimulation techniques:

  1. Oxytocin for social cognition, bonding and behavior.
  2. SSRIs used to treat depression can make people less aggressive.
  3. Amphetamines to motivate action.
  4. Beta-blockers to decrease racist responses.
  5. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) used for depression and affects moral dilemmas.
  6. Transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) for utilitarian compliance.
  7. Deep brain stimulation to enhance motivation.

Yes, these techniques have effects, "but these techniques are all blunt instruments, rather than finely tuned technologies that could be helpful. So, moral enhancement is really a bad idea," says Veljko Dubljevic, lead author of the research paper.

As much as Oxytocin might be good for social bonding and behavior, it's only for the in-group, showing decreased cooperatiom coming at the expense of out-groups like racial minorities. The oxytocin promotes ethnocentrism, favoritism and narrowmindedness. The amphetamines boost all types of behavior, not only the moral kind. Beta-blockers will blunt all emotional responses. SSRIs increase the risk of suicide. And the brain stimulation technology didn't work on moral behavior.

I for one am glad that at least there is a study that can help to prevent further advancement in this foolish idea of moral enhancement technology through physical changes in the brain first. Morality is known through the psychological dimension that manifests through our actions and behaviors. It's not created through the physical alone despite any neurochemical effects that can affect moral decision making.

Aspects of moral living can be affected through the bio-natural physiology, conditioned through our social environment, and also willfully and voluntarily developed through conscious active contemplation, reflection and analysis. The latter method is the way to actually become more moral.

Instead of relying on technology to try to improve our lot, we need to improve ourselves by our own power, our will power to want to change for the better, not be forced to by those in power who try to control.



Getting rid of the current system of education and instead teaching critical thinking and reasoning would be a more effective manner in which to enhance morality. I believe that many lack the capability to reason which would otherwise lead them to more principled living.

Yes, learning how to think and how to learn are the underpinnings to develop proper moral comprehension ;)

"willfully and voluntarily developed through conscious active contemplation, reflection and analysis. The latter method is the way to actually become more moral.

Instead of relying on technology to try to improve our lot, we need to improve ourselves by our own power, our will power"


The development and spread of AI clandestinely requires Humans to emulate a machine's motion sequence. So we repeat certain patterns more and more and until they get deeply engrained in us. Doing so, some areas in our brain are more active than usual, others less. Repetitive motion sequences lead to comfort and non-thinking, questioning. Simply like a machine. Yet what becomes inactive is our creativity, willpower, power of questioning things.

So the willpower you address here is definitely something that gets lost the more we flow towards AI.

Morality is being developed within, not without. No one can possibly tell us what is moral, WE need to experience it. Emulating external 'moral obedience' is artificial itself, and when we follow that we blindly follow others' ideals.

Great read, and you address things I have been pondering as well lately! ;)

Repetitive motion sequences lead to comfort and non-thinking, questioning. Simply like a machine.

Yup, that's the unthinking, automatic, unconscious, involuntary modality ;)

People can tell others what is moral, and they need to explain it so that's the understanding is demonstrated as truth ;) Blindly accepting what others claim is moral is indeed not wise. You don't need to experience every immorality in order to know it as such ;)

And it is too bad that psychology today is soooo screwed up.
Else they could make better understandings of what these drugs do.

The typical anti-depressant is actually a depressant.
Apathy is the emotional level where people will commit suicide.
It is the bottom level.
But, the steps up from that are anger, revenge...

So, the psychologists, who really do not want to help people, prefer to keep the person down in apathy. Where they won't harm anyone. They are so much easier to deal with when they are almost a vegetable.

And i agree with you, that the psychopathic controllers look to these "medicines" as control mechanisms. Because any control is good control.

Yeah, SSRI's kill emotional flux and keep people at a "dead" baseline that leads to apathy and not care, drive and meaning derived in life.

The idea behind this is about using bio-medical technology to make people more moral

This doesn't sound good at all.

Morality should be developed only through education, not through artificial means.

Besides, if that technology actually worked, it would also allow to make people *less moral and commit all sort of crazy things. Well, now that I think about it, that technology probably already exists in the military

Yes indeed, real education, to be raised properly in moral understanding. Depending on technology weakens us in many ways, despite helping us in others :/

It is not good for technology to manipulate our ethical morality about human life and the future, about the women and men of tomorrow, and also about the cultural legacy and the values in which they should be educated.
Technological manipulation does not have the right to tell us what is good and what is bad, because that is our life, it is a learning world from birth to death, we always live in a school where from the beginning we are taught the moralities of life , of our life.

Yup, technology as a means of greater freedom or control... double edged sword :/

I agree with what you reveal in this post. Technology will not be able to change human morals. Because it arises from the human heart and mind. Then how the hearts and minds of people will be moved with the influence of technology. This is very unreasonable.
But by mobilizing ourselves in social life to work together by providing good examples.

Indeed, morality comes through consciousness and conscience ;)

They will not rest until control is absolute. Individualism is not good for the collective, is not efficient in the productivity of the farm.

Yeah, conform to the group and be a good productive member of society

Moral Enhancement Tech will always be a more effective form of control than an actual tool for the greater good. That won't stop them from claiming it's for the greater good though. The ends justify the means, don't cha know.

... who cares about the way it's done, just get it done :P lol

Indeed a bad idea. I would fear how they would play with our moral conscience and how they may measure morality. Would the belief in God soon be out of their equation? I think there have been experiments by our government in controlling the mind and morality before. Yikes. Almost sounds like an episode of the Twilight Zone thanks @krnel.

The belief in God is a non-technological way to enforce obedience and fabricate moral concepts.
Some people believe that there is a God who judges actions or words, and applies its morality to the deed, often with a punishment for disobeying or disbelieving, and a reward for obedience and faith.

This is a possible form of manipulation.

This belief can work to manipulate their behavior, as well as influence society in general, in ways that some could call absolutely chilling.

Yeah, it's pretty Twilight fucked up for sure :/

Affecting people through ideas is at the end of the day the most potent means. It also happens constantly whether we want it or not. But it is incredibly difficult ... and dangerous.

Yup, influence is part of life, conscious or not ;)

Furthermore, it takes a real together and free thinking individual to not let himself be influenced by others and instead as a king and his advisors make up his mind himself.

There is an interesting lyric sung by a famous country singer in my country Indonesia, his name is Iwan Fals, the lyrics are like this: "Take care of your morals, take care of your morals, healthy rules we want", so he shouts for corrupt rulers. For that I agree that moral affairs is an affair that we can not rely on technology ...There is an interesting lyric sung by a famous country singer in my country Indonesia, his name is Iwan Fals, the lyrics are like this: "Take care of your morals, take care of your morals, healthy rules we want", so he shouts for corrupt rulers. For that I agree that moral affairs is an affair that we can not rely on technology...

Yeah, technology is no replacement for authentic moral comprehension.

Morality is the ability to distinguish between what is bad and what is good ..
... what is right and what is wrong with regard to human actions .. And this all depends only on education .... it should be vaccinated from birth ....

Well it can't be vaccinated :P

Sorry, but you probably did not understand me correctly or I did not correctly say
I had in mind that it is necessary to teach this from childhood, educate, inspire ....:):)

It's all a language barrier ... :) :)
I once again apologize ....

Morals are for the little people according to those with political power. We should require that these systems be installed in anyone who wants to hold high office or be a CEO. Everyone else should be left alone. I think the world would improve pretty quickly if we had a way to calm the real aggressors.

LOL, testing it out on the power players is a better idea than what theywant :P

I am appalled but not surprised. Technology people are the least morally enlightened people in my experience. (Zuckerberg and Gates are the two poster children who come to mind immediately, but many more could be listed.)

technology is neutral until there is intention behind it. I think a bigger fact about the two amoral people you mentioned is they are blue bloods and come from a long line of oppressive assholes

It's "selection bias". Technology is a magnet that attracts selfish people who are attracted by the money and the high social status. ("Gee, wow! You know how to program computers?") Zuckerberg and Gates both dropped out of school to pursue riches. Nothing wrong with working to get rich, if that's your thing, but these people did not complete the moral formation that occurs in most university programs. Even those who complete university educations tend to go for the engineering degrees rather than the liberal arts degrees, and it is in the liberal arts programs that you really get molded and developed as a moral human being.

None of this is to say anything negative about people who don't get university educations. What I am saying is that this industry tends to populate itself with the most selfish people available.

I agree with your comment but would like to also add the perspective that many programmers and people on the internet work countless hours providing to open source that is given freely. I can tune my guitar using a free app on my phone for instance. Greed is rampant in our society but I believe this is because our current market system fosters and rewards those human behaviors. We tend as pack animals to take on the mentality of the pack. If our political and market system served to strengthen the pack rather then its design to amass and protect private wealth then you would probably see a change in our behaviors and less greed overall

You are TOTALLY correct and have just stated the essence of my view of where the seflishness comes from. Your are also correct to point out my overgeneralization; people who write software are IMO the hope of the world. But it is no coincidence that most people who write software have liberal arts educations. The purity of their hearts isn't entirely to their credit, however, since their career choice insulates them from getting their hands dirty and confronting the moral choices that those in other occupations must deal with.

I am an economist and a C++ software developer. When I was young, writing software wasn't about the money. I came to Silicon Valley and was dismayed to find that, here at least, it had become all about the money.

Holy fuck this is terrifying.

Nah, it's a great thing :P

Modern technologies that actively seek to combine bio, nano, info and neuro elements can give us the ability to ' enhance' human beings in ways that we want. enhancement technologies have been with us for some time already, such as cosmetic surgery and drugs that enhance athletic performance.I am appreciate your blog. keep going sir.Happy steemting.Dear sir @krnel. its really a great blog.we know

Great post i'm 100% agree with you enhancement technology is very badidea

Hey @krnel are you vegan?

Yes. Why?

Because you are an OG on Steemit, and I'm following you now because you are vegan. :--)