
If we are from nature, everything we build is an extension of nature, technologic or otherwise. For example when organic artificial environments like steemit are built, natural tendencies & behaviors of natural people morph & test the system in many unforeseen ways & the system & people adapt for benefit. To think evolution exists in nature but that we could somehow exclude that thing in our creations is impossible to my logic. However, I’m not convinced evolution exists, nor do I think it necessarily selects for more advanced or better creatures, just what eats more efficiently, reproduces more & dies less.

If human creations are unnatural, is the line drawn at “technology”? What constitutes technology? A child, bicycle, eye glasses, sharing gardening techniques, controlling fire, writing code, cars, reading, writing, smartphones, music, medicine, tools? If a monkey uses a stick to get some ants is that more or less natural than a person with a mechanical cherry picker in a tree?

We can build all the virtual environments we want but they are still heavily affected by nature. Power & infrastructure are needed & a natural volcano or earthquake or storm can destroy that in a minute. Those servers are always affected by nature as is the natural human by the weather around them. We can trick our minds into spending more & more time in these virtual worlds, but we are never removed from nature nor are our inventions & tools no matter how much we want to believe it to be true.