There have always been an on-going war among programmers about which is the best programming language, I myself have argue over this with my peers a thousand times over and over, But then what really is the best programming language in the web space? . Is it PHP, NodeJs, Java,C# or one of the other programming languages out there?.
I noticed a trait among programmers online when arguing about which is the best programming language, they choose a language over another simply because it works for them or because they enjoyed using it. I myself tend to favour my primary programming language over other programming languages.
There is only one conclusion i can draw from this , all programming languages are the best programming language. If a language works for you and you are able to achieve your task using it at that particular point in time . Then it is the best programming language for you.
Please Drop your comments below and let me hear you view on this topic, And please do not forget to upvote my post .
For me, I go for utility. I am coming from a math and stats background coming into R and Python. I lean towards scientific computation and data science.
but i Python is cool