Foreign media said that 5G has limitations: 6G is the "key" to open the "science fiction" world.

in #technology6 years ago

Foreign media said that 6G networks are still pure science fiction, but some people think that it is necessary to consider 6G when applying 5G networks. Our introduction to 5G is that it will be much faster than 4G, respond more quickly to data requests, and avoid Internet usage delays when a large number of access sets occur. If we go a step further and start thinking about a faster network than 5G, what will happen? Two researchers at the University of Bremen in Germany raised this issue in a study trying to point out some of the dramatic changes that the 6G network could bring.

According to the Spanish "Pioneer" website reported on April 23, their research is based on the limitations of 5G networks, although it is much more advanced than 4G, but some things may still have some limitations. The idea behind the research is that if the data transmission speed of the 6G network is as high as 1 terabit per second, it will open a new vision that is purely a science fiction today.

The key is that the use of artificial intelligence technology will grow exponentially. Current technologies, such as artificial intelligence-based Google Assistant speech recognition, cannot be implemented by a single portable device, and can only be transmitted from Google servers to terminals such as our mobile phones.

According to the report, if 6G networks become a reality, many devices will be able to exchange information at an ultra-fast speed to solve complex problems. To give a practical example: all vehicles in the city, even pedestrians, can send information about their location in real time to avoid traffic jams, accidents, and an effective fully automated driving system.

To achieve this goal, network latency is much smaller than for 5G networks. Or to put it another way: the goal that the future network must achieve is to make the user barely aware of the time between sending and receiving data. This is very different from the current situation in 4G networks. Now, when you want to open a website from your phone, it usually takes a few seconds to start loading.

But networks that are faster than 5G have other uses, such as better monitoring of financial markets. In fact, the 6G network connected to the artificial intelligence system can realize the concept of "real-time transmission" in these researchers.

。This will enable people to take more effective action in the face of natural disasters or other disasters, such as launching an emergency medical network.

On the other hand, one should not forget the artificial intelligence ethics control mechanism that researchers are trying to clarify. Such magical tools can also have consequences for anti-human society. For example, what would happen if this type of system was used for military purposes? "Lucky" is that the 6G technology described by these researchers is still far away from people.