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RE: Could AI End All Hacking?

in #technology8 years ago

I don't know the hackers are scary but you can rebuild from there if you do get hacked. Making these AI's smarter making our lives easier could be humanity's downfall. Yes we all want to simplify as well as secure our lives but at what cost. We have all seen the terminator or the matrix yes those are movies; but as AI's get smarter could this be a reality. A war that was started by hackers could end up being a war against the same machines we built. Who know's maybe I'm over analyzing the situation, but all I'm saying is we need to take precautions on going forward in the future. But these hackers do need to pay that's for sure, especially when money is going towards this crypto era. Dope post an some very good insight 🙏


You are not over analysing the situation at all. Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality. All of this could actually happen!

That is scary hopefully we don't get to that point though 🙏🙏