Night thoughts about the code - Delirium of consciousness

in #technology6 years ago

             Night thoughts visited me at night. Not giving sleep

           Something brought me here again, probably, it is restored instagram. In which I noticed that people click those people who have the same hashtag (#)." As for me, this is a kind of code. "friend or foe." Using a certain number of characters and their formulation, it is possible to identify a certain group of people who belong to it.(Honestly at all cool).

           - Even a person and his worldview programs are also a set of complex algorithms and programs that are not yet given to us to study..

            Here to take our text, the usual which we read or write messages to family and friends, each character is a code. It already exists in our computer, which recognizes a certain character value as a certain character. Man went further, all these signs he began to use as" CODES " access to certain components of the global reality of mankind. 

            If, invented code, was created for a certain group of people, where the knowledge of the characters passed a certain message and the perception of the world , on the side that it was supposed to be in the original and clear to those who know the codes. 

           By placing in a certain sign, codes of consciousness and coding of a person, we can transmit not only the message but its meaning.

           This concerns for example ties in the armed forces, after all the link on the field battlefield, I this a huge an integral part of army.

           Communication is transmitted and intercepted by radio waves of certain frequencies, for each radio and any electronics has its own oscillation frequencies. Which at the moment a lot of know and recode in the right direction reflecting the received and recoded signal to the destination. In every language, the door will be the door, everyone will see the door. but the name will be different. Using 2 to 3 encode the information, it will be more comfortable. If you apply to this invented sound vibrations completely and identical analogy of words, but different vibrations. you can get a coded conversation that no one can recognize and decipher.

              Some tricks can be recognized by emotionally colored sound vibrations , and often used on a subconscious level. It should be used for non-verbal communication or symbolic communication at different levels of perception of the world

Restful nights