California has begun preparations to start a passenger service in a fully automated car.

The Public Utility Commission of the state has proposed to provide passenger services on automobiles without any driver on Friday. Earlier, autonomous vehicles were tested in the region. But it was compulsory to have an assistant driver in the car and there were no passengers in the car.
Two versions of the self-propelled car passenger service examination are described in the region. In a version, there will be an assistant driver in the car. In other versions, the passenger service will be provided without the co-operator.
The California Department of Motor Vehicle recently announced the approval of the autonomous automotive test in public on the public transport road.
The organization has asked for many important documents with the application to get approval. These include emergency security, two-way communication system and automobile traffic to avoid cyber attacks, its documents and other conditions.
After the incident of the death of a pedestrian in the crash of Uber's automated vehicle in Arizona, California has taken such initiatives. The accident was seen as an obstacle for automated vehicles. But California, with the approval of the new technology, is proposing to move forward.
The California Department of Motor Vehicle will have the right to cancel the organization's approval immediately if founders are using any type of unsafe system.
With this new approval, 'Level 4' can be run for automated test. At present, organizations like Google's automated vehicle company Weimo are conducting this type of vehicle test.
Google has already started its passenger service in Autonomous Vehicle in Phoenix, Google's Weimo. Other organizations including Weimos may get approval for testing in California.
The car is very beautiful. I need a Google car . Haha i like ur sharing friend.
Who will take you