We're an aggregation news service and provide citations for all articles and photos which originate from sources other than ourselves. We also produce original content.
It appears we are now being targeted and our "reputation" has dropped significantly.
That's unfortunate.
We will probably stop using Steemit as it seems to align with other platforms (which are numerous) that censor its users.
If you would like to share the information, we recommend content sharing social media such as Twitter or Facebook.
If you would like to just share the information on Steemit, we recommend selecting to reject the payout for the post when submitting it.
Otherwise, the post maybe considered as plagiarism/using someone else's work in order to profit.
Thank you
Your advice is appreciated. We are already on numerous social media platforms (minus Facebook and Reddit, due to censorship). Our website generates enough traffic as is, but we thought giving Steemit a try might be beneficial in our mission to inform readers of stories that are oftentimes overlooked by the MSM.
That being said, we may consider opting out of payouts on aggregated articles if we choose to continue using this platform, as monetary compensation is not our main priority. Even if we go this route, we'll probably still be targeted by cheetah, steemcleaners, etc. which will result in our reputation going further down the toilet; not sure if it's worth it.
Also, we DO NOT plagiarize as we ALWAYS provide citations for content that we do not own. For example, if you visit https://www.newsmediawatchdog.com/nmwd-news, ALL of our aggregated articles have backlinks to the original story/author near the very top. This is a common practice for many other news outlets and actually drives more referral traffic to the original source's website (i.e. helps them).
If anyone is confused about news aggregation, we suggest you view this article:
As I mentioned before. You don't get paid on these websites for the content.
Steemit is not Facebook. You get paid here to create content that isn't somewhere else already.