
Hi Openparadigm. The good news is 3 fold. One is that our technology is non-leaching. It doesn't bleed onto our food if a counter is coated, doesn't come off the counter onto hands, etc. The second part is we have full biocompatibility testing completed. The third is that one of the issues around weak disinfectants...ones that are always advertising kills 99.9% of germs are really offering little protection. In the disinfection game you are looking for higher log than log 3. 99.99% is log 4, 99.999% is log 5, etc. Log 3 which is almost always what these guys have kills off the easy to kill and often beneficial bacteria. Unfortunately disinfection kills good stuff too. The 99.9% thus leaves behind a surface which is void of most good bacteria and leaves behind the nasty, stronger stuff. And remember the old saying, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Same applies here. That is why I think people should really take the time to learn what they are really using. are better off rinsing with water. Now that is an exaggeration but I'm not far from a serious statement.
Thanks for commenting.

interesting looking forward to hearing more about it