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RE: My Phone Died. It Felt Like Part of Me Did Also.

in #technology8 years ago

Your story reminds me a lot of my relationship with my decade-old laptop (affectionately called 'my first wife' and pictured here).

It is a relationship of dependency. There is no other (computer) in my life right now - and I am seeing my dependency upon her/it becoming all the more critical over these next few months. :c)

My point is that I understand the anxiety of losing everything - and you well-describe your harrowing experience with the loss of your phone. It brings me to dwell upon fall-back plans once more - and your supporting points in this regard are simply spot-on - as reflective of the rest of your content (thanks).

I do hope and trust that time will have you sorting out any loose ends remaining.


Things are going well so far. Be sure to back up that machine!