In my opinion, artificial intelligence has been created, but unlike in movies, stating that artificial intelligence exists on a robot or someone. But, artificial intelligence, is a combination of various technologies, which are driven by many people.
As an example:
Tools used to create websites, satellites, crytocurrency, holograms, android, and so on. It's just that, in the future things like that are created more simply. For example radio, when found, its large size, now only a glimpse of light on the smartphone.
Therefore, if in the future, there are people who combine the power of intelligence, then there will be others, who can anticipate it. For example there are missiles, there are opponents that make it useless, down. So there's nothing to worry about. Something in this world, there is always something bigger.
To anticipate it, we just need to watch sci-fi movies :P see my comment above.
I do appreciate your positive outlook, essentially that there will be future solutions to future problems. Although I do agree with that for the most part, it still doesn't mean that futuristic nightmares like AI overthrowing humans still isn't scary lol.