At that price point you might as well save up a few more hundred dollars and set your budget at $1000 that extra bit will be worth it to get the 16g ram and a better graphics card.
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At that price point you might as well save up a few more hundred dollars and set your budget at $1000 that extra bit will be worth it to get the 16g ram and a better graphics card.
The graphics card I agree with, but I cannot see myself wasting $100 more to have not such a big improvement in games what so ever. Thank you for your opinion!
Well this "RAM shortage" is the real problem here. RAM never cost this much in the past and I still think it's a made up shortage. I personally think that the crypto miners bought all the GPUs up and RAM makers used that as an excuse to upcharge on RAM even though miners don't use that much RAM to begin with.
It's just a bad time to build a rig, even trying to buy a 1080 used, people are selling them at such a high price.
But in the end it all comes down to the persons preference in games. Your build here would be perfect for all the games I play.