Thanks! Definitely seems to me that once people are shown a truly innovative technology, only then do they understand what the forward thinkers were really all hyped up about.
I don't know how to, but yes! Haha. I have a goal of writing something creative (poem, short story, etc.) every week, and I post them all to PronouncedKyle.
Nice story... we are all explorers indeed.
Thanks! Definitely seems to me that once people are shown a truly innovative technology, only then do they understand what the forward thinkers were really all hyped up about.
can you prove that you are the author of this story?!
I don't know how to, but yes! Haha. I have a goal of writing something creative (poem, short story, etc.) every week, and I post them all to PronouncedKyle.
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Damn it. Hahaha. Screenshot - at this point I just want you, internet stranger, to believe me.