I haven't visited the website yet. Am reluctant in clicking links for security purposes. I only need my posting key?
Posted using Partiko Android
I haven't visited the website yet. Am reluctant in clicking links for security purposes. I only need my posting key?
Posted using Partiko Android
Exactly, you login with your username and your private posting key. After activating auto vote on you dashboard you will receive credits for every upvote, which you can later spend on your own posts to receive upvotes.
That's good, just private posting key.
Okay I'll try this site.
How many people are using this site? Sorry I need to ask this questions because I haven't really seen any recommendations but if I this site good I'll definitely recommend it to my friends and followers.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for your trust :)
After you logged in you will see a whole site of platform statistics. There is also a live Ticker of our user count.