The Case For A Universal Basic Income

in #technology7 years ago


With increasing automation and artificial intelligence coming to fruition everyday, the possibility grows that the world could respond by using a Universal Basic Income in order to ensure fair distribution of wealth.

The theory goes that AI is going to drastically reduce the number of available jobs. AI is expected to take over jobs ranging from retail worker to surgeon over the course of the next 50 years. This leaves the possibility of high unemployment.

The solution is simple: give everyone a monthly cheque. This not only makes basic services available to everyone, it fights the growing issue of inequality. The increases in productivity will create an unparalleled amount of wealth, which can then be split between the population.

Price for Robotics Falling Fast

The price for automating robots has plunged 40% in the last decade according to a BCG report. This boosts company profits, and increases the overall productivity of the economy. Another industry report has estimated 38% of US jobs will be in danger of being replaced by robots within the next 13 years. McDonald's has already started, replacing human cashiers with automated kiosks.

An Easy Solution

A UBI has gained a lot of traction from high-profile individuals. Elon Musk frequently champions it as a solution to inequality. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg have also got behind the idea.

Test runs of the idea in Finland and Ontario have already begun. Another test run is going in Africa as we speak. We'll have to wait for results to come in before drawing any big conclusions.


Even if it sounds like Fantasy. Finland already started an experiement.
They are paying 2000 citizens 560€ (tax free) per month

Yup! I briefly mentioned this in the article

world is becoming more rebotized, tnx for sharing ^^

No work brings money. Sounds too good to be true.

But in real life I doubt in this. Maybe UBI will live and people will get money for no work, but they will pay it somehow else. We live in capitalistic world. There is no such thing as a free lunch in my opinion.

It's a tough one. We already get universal healthcare, education, etc,. It's not impossible to see some free UBI too

In a capitalistic world the economy falls over if consumers don't have money to spend on products and services. Money has to get into the hands of consumers somehow. It's looking more and more like it won't be through regular employment.

You can't pay for universal income. With the system as it is to support Israeli degeneracy it is already about to collapse. The system is already rigged if you think this NWO shit will work you got another thing coming.