Richie From Boston on: The USA is S.O.L., NESTLE OWNS ALL THE WATER EVEN RAIN, and everything you need to know about CERN

in #technology7 years ago

Please watch these videos and read the link on Companies that use aborted fetal cells as flavor. Completely agree with Richie From Boston, it's absolutely insane.
CERN Everything you need to know

DARPA, ARPA, Boston Dynamics, other companies investing in Robotics.

Lifting of the Veil. End Times.
Fallen Angels
Eider Machine
Quantum Computer

Chemtrails, GeoEngineering, Weather Modification, Weather Warfare, Cloud Seeding, etc.

Tried to take a photo at Lake Erie, yes it's flat. Phone didn't work while trying to take a photo, explains horrible Customer experience with Verizon. Lack of Customer Service.

"Jmo. It's really really sad to see people that just don't care about other people whatsoever at all and watching the sodomites infect the country with the mainstream media and the powers that be backing them is a really heartbreaking."

Completely agree with this viewer makes you wonder why bother having an iPhone or any other smart device.
"They way the CEO's of the cell phone companies are setup to forcing people to upgrade phones and software for the beast system which it is bad news here. I have a iphone 4s 8.3 software so if my 4s go out and I can not fix it I WILL NOT BY ANOTHER CELL OF ALL NAME BRANDS SIMPLE AS THAT. YOU ALL WILL HAVE THE CHOICE TO MAKE HERE........."

From what I'm saying is these companies don't care about you, only raising your rates, latest technology. Same with the insurance companies, they are all happy when you pay the premiums, etc, but when something happens to you such as natural disaster, robbery, etc. they can give a rip about you. Money only talks big to them, and is the root of all evil. Homosexuality, Willfull Murder, Depriving the Widow and the Orphan, and Depriving of Lost Wages are the 4 grave sins that the heavens call for vengeance.


Nestle also put aborted fetus in their drinks & food
Comprehensive List Of Companies That Use Aborted Fetal Cells As Flavor
