The thing I've discovered recently about Energetic Manipulation is that whoever/whatever controls it, have squeezed the "Dead Orgone" trauma based energy to it's death. There is nearly nothing left of this Dark Energetic resource to exploit. So it is being engineered via culture, frequency, technology all of it. To extract what little is left.
I know "they" understand what I'm about to tell them even if this doesn't resonate with many, I hope it will to a few at least. It would make far more sense at this stage to simply reverse the direction of your system towards Positive Orgone and the 'Light' Energetics, if you must exploit human energetics in a 'synthetic' manner. You stand to benefit far more from that system, even if you are 'dark' in motivations. Don't you get that?
Clean Energy, both human and earth resource-based, will be far more beneficial to both the dark and light workers alike if you must be on 'a side' in these dynamics. I don't understand that mentality any longer. Why be a chess piece restricted by black and white squares and restricted to pre-selected movements? If profit is your only God, then surely you must see dollar signs in this new Clean Energy/Energetics Economy. The efforts to upgrade and transfer these systems over alone will provide lots of economic opportunities for all classes. Why resist it? Clean energy, especially what is being hidden, is the only way to go for the future of everyone, including the 'bad guys'.
This is our collective programming though. It's engrained and embedded into our consciousness now, quite literally on a frequency level. We are frequency beings being placed into 'frequency reality tunnels'. It's important to understand that technology has provided the means to being 'latched on' to selected frequencies based on your DNA/RNA profile. Animal behavior (all species), en masse, is quite controllable through frequency manipulation. And that is the essence of "mind control" whether we choose to believe it or not. There is a reason people love their phones more than other people.
In theory, our Pineal Glands are the gateway. It receives all the frequencies and transmits out via this 'gland' which acts as a frequency 'beacon' in the Extremely Low Frequency (.1-50 Hz) range. All the data from your Chakra system is divided by Meridians, all with general frequency ranges. Our bodies and organic communication systems are not unlike Computer and Cellular Phone networks because they also operate in UHF/SHF ranges. It was proven decades ago. There is a reason the research was buried.
Those networks were designed to mirror the same algorithms, maths, used in telepathic communication (in the UHF range). That means your Bluetooth, your Wi-Fi, your Cellular Phone, your GPS unit, your Digital Satellite...all of it in the ULTRA-High Frequency range.
So you have layers of communication with different frequency sets over different ranges. UHF, ELF, SHF, LF...all of these bands are part of the human electrical system, organically. They proved it back in the 60's (and I demonstrate that in my report) that humans could transmit Morse Code to a machine via Telepathy in the UHF/SHF ranges. They proved before that, a subtle change in ELF can cause an entire crowd to lose their minds or have accidents if you studied the research of Bob Beck and Andrija Puharich.
Isn't time we have a serious conversation about "Frequency Sovereignty" for all species?
If you'd like to understand what I'm trying to communicate here better, you can catch the entire series in a playlist format here:
Thank you.
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This appears to be solely concerned with transverse waves. Do you have personal experience with longitudinal waves?
My work experience was basically as a 'glorified technician' AKA Wireless Engineer. I worked around the equipment for a couple decades. So I know things to a much larger degree within the UHF range and can speak to those things more directly. But yes, scalar/longitudinal waves are discussed from a more 'theoretic' standpoint in Parts 1-4, with regards to Orgone and Energetic extraction, if those topics are of interest to you. I cover Wilhelm Reich, Project Rainbow and Phoenix Project and how they connect to the USS Eldridge as discussed in Preston Nichols' book The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time. There is a lot of good data in that book that requires more attention today. I hope this serves as a bridge to understanding the connection to this 'scalar' energetic grid for both myself and others.
I should add that I do have some 'theoretic' experience with longitudinal waveforms mostly from my own interest in the topic. I've been testing things like Orgone Wands (Cloudbusters),Crystals, Don Croft Zappers, QuWave products and things of that nature. I don't discuss those results much publicly because I have no way of proving them out aside from observational data, which has been compelling to me personally. Crystals play a large role in all these things. One could argue that they are 'living' organisms, almost like accumulated grey matter that communicates via these longitudinal waves. I don't know how else to explain why crystals are used in both 'new age' fields as well as high-tech electronics. They must have some form of timing or life force contained within them.
I have been looking into the information surrounding the idea that the heart is not a pump. There is even a mechanical engineer who has published a paper on the structures and forces involved, concluding that it is not possible for the heart to pump the blood all the way through the circulatory system.
It appears that the heart, instead, generates an electrical pulse (I think a longitudinal pulse, because of the vortex creating shape of the heart) that travels throughout the blood and the exclusion zone gel layer, creating the charge that drives the circulation. I am still putting the information together, but am interested, because I do use a Beck zapper and EMP coil, and am uncertain how this would affect the system charges. This does not even include my doubts about the effects of cellphone, wireless, and other em fields. I am looking for evidence of interaction between transverse and longitudinal waves, as well as their interactions with electric current and magnetism (other than the commonly known concepts of the inverse square law and the right hand rule et cetera) I think I am not being entirely clear, but will have to further inform myself to clarify.
I think you could be on to something there. I don't have a background in genetics or anything like that, but I've read that a persons blood type would play heavily into this. Different blood types will have different concentrations of metals. I've read that Rh Negative blood types have the highest concentration of copper (would need to verify this though). But if there are certain blood types with higher conductive metal concentrations, then that might explain why some people are capable of things like 'Reike' or 'Remote Healing'. I mention this in my presentation because copper is used in coaxial cable for communications, for it's conductive properties.
For discussions about the interactions between transverse and longitudinal waves, I'd definitely recommend "The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time". Preston Nichols describes in detail the USS Eldridge experiment, that involved frequency mixing to cloak a Navy ship. I think you'll find it interesting because he starts off by discussing mixes of transverse waves, but also discusses how this relates to the Schumann Resonance. Something I'm learning about the Schumann Resonance is that is has a 'Rainbow' effect.
This is the part of what I am discussing the YouTube clips. If you think of the Schumann Resonance as sort of providing an 'echo' extending out via longitudinal waves from the earth, extending out like a rainbow, then it might act like a 'canvas' for the transverse waves.
So the 'spiral' of Schumann Resonance extends outward as the 'source-signal canvas' with transverse waves providing communication paths to/from various lifeforms like animals, plants and human alike. It's one way to look at it. I'm still trying to understand this interplay myself. This the quote from Wikipedia that I discuss in the YT clip. I think it's relevant to what you are communicating.
"Schumann resonances are the principal background in the part of the electromagnetic spectrum from 3 Hz through 60 Hz and appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 7.83 Hz (fundamental), 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz." - so it's the 'principal background' (or canvas) of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (transverse provide the data/color to the palette). But this not just 'visual' data on the canvas. It's energy, referenced between one another, and what outcome that produces that is what we 'experience' as lifeforms.