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RE: Has Apple Lost Its Way?

in #technology8 years ago

I was an OS-9 user before DOS. Then came Windows, tinkered with Linux and switched to Apple after I bought an iPad. I bought a Mac Mini. When I wanted a new laptop, I bought a MacBook Air. This was right after Cook took over. Jobs was Apple. They went through this before, and struggled when they disowned him. Apple wasn't just a company or computer to him. I understand that. I've purchased quite a few computers in my life, many of which I've purchased the parts and assembled myself.

Cook is a business person. Apple is just a brand to him. One of the things that really impressed me about the Macs was the fully journalled filesystem. Windows still doesn't have that for the desktop. However, they messed with it, and I'm about to switch back to my wintel box. The task switcher has become bogged down, so they must be having problems with interrupt processing. I get beachballed to death now. I'm no computer neophyte, and I don't see it getting any better for Apple. I tried straightening things out with them over problems I had ordering the laptop. I even got a call back from Cook's office the next day after emailing him. It was a disaster. I still love the laptop, but the whole experience now reminds me of Windows 98.

I don't see the same type of innovation anymore. I think both Apple and Microsoft are going to have some very rough times ahead. I think we're going to see some bottom up growth, once people start realizing that Linux has pretty much matured into a usable OS. Microsoft lost the phone wars. Giving away Windows 10 didn't do what they hoped. I went back to win7. With Linux now getting some games from Steam, as well as the Steam box, there's hope. Android has helped a bit, too. Microsoft has even announced that they are going to implement a bash shell. If it weren't for applications like Ableton Live, which isn't available for Linux, and likely runs horribly in a virtual machine, I'd ditch both OS X and Windows permanently. Once the Chinese take over the computer market, I expect full native drivers to be the standard.


Sadly I think I would agree with much of what you say. The dreaded beachball of death issue plagues me on Mac too!

I don't have similar issues on Windows 10 - I think this indicates perhaps a shift away from the important user experience issues.

I think you have it spot on when you say Cook is a business man whereas Jobs basically was a physical embodiment of Apple.

The things is they can easily reverse it if they just paid attention to the right things but I suppose they don't see what the issue is.

I too am very tempted to go to Linux - once I can get my favourite apps like Photoshop on it then I think I will try moving over.