I used to think that Apache would live on forever...
It's good at what it does, LAMP ( Linux, Apache, mySQL, PHP ) stacks pretty much built the foundation upon, what most of the internet is ( still ) using. I was even skeptical of newer servers trying to improve this foundation, as I had learned in my tech career, almost everything in strictly Apache.

But, then came Nginx!
My first experiences with nginx ( Pronounced engine-x ) came about a year and a half ago. It was not that bad of a learning curve, considering I was already quite comfortable and competent in fixing issues in Apache. I actually found it to be almost as easy as Apache to pick up. Even adding server blocks ( comparable to virtual hosts in Apache, is a breeze ). Now, keep in mind, Nginx was initially created to solve the issue of Apache not being able to handle over 10 thousand concurrent connections. Igor Sysoev impressed everyone, when it was shown that Nginx, not only easily handled that amount of traffic, but it did it with ease. In fact, even at low amounts of concurrent connections, Nginx will always deliver speeds of nearly 2 times of that of Apache!

Also compatibility wise, Apache takes the cake here, as it's compatible with almost everything, but then again, most servers are utilizing a Linux or Unix type of platform. Whereas, Nginx, has some support for other platforms it is mostly intended for Linux.Now, don't get me wrong, Apache will always have a place in my heart ( can never truly forget .htaccess love ), but eventually long term, we may see it get phased out. Apache still remains a very powerful tool in terms of serving, there are just other options that may surpass it in the future. Hell, something may even surpass Nginx, you never know! You can even use the two in conjunction with each other. It's all about finding the shoe that fits best for your needs!
I don't even remember when I first dealt with nginx. I can kind of remember first compiling it over 10 years ago, when it was one of the fastest things out there, but wasn't in the package manager for the distro my server was running.
I actually find it a lot easier to work with than Apache.
@geekpowered, I wholeheartedly agree. I have not seen servers run so efficiently since using it. My first introduction to it was when I was lead for the VPS and Dedicated server team over at Bluehost. It was mostly used for our Wordpress hosting packages. All in all, Apache may be here to stay, but I do love nginx.
I don't know if Apache is here to stay. For a while, it was looking pretty ancient. It actually improved a lot when Nginx got on the scene.
There are other competitors as well though, some of which in their niches can run even faster or on less resources than Nginx.
Ah yes, AWS comes to mind here in that token. I work in a DC and you wouldn't believe how many businesses are still running on stuff that was deprecated over 10 years ago. I still shudder from when I used to have to tell clients that their FrontPage sites haven't been supported since 2003, lol. It's pretty unbelievable how unwilling people are to update their systems. Not only does the potential for a 14 year old script kiddie messing shit up increase, so does the potential for you to end up with a completely borked system. I find it quite amusing how people are not willing to update their businesses' security. Web tech is evolving at such a quick rate, what is practical today, might not be practical next year.
When it's that old, it might actually start becoming more secure, since no one is learning about it anymore, or targeting it. XD
Hahaha, this is too true. I did recently have a customer, in which I discovered a rootkit on his managed server. I tried to explain why it was a serious issue, but was cut off. Apparently he liked the way the term 'rootkit' rolled off the tongue and insisted that I leave it there. lol.