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RE: Police and The NSA Use Fake Cellphone Towers (Called IMSI Catchers & Stingrays) to Spy and Track Us - Funny How They Try to Disguised Them

in #technology8 years ago

Yes, I know which one you mean but it also restricts you from getting phone calls but its great for public areas where you know they will be deployed and other events, thanks for reminding me about those. I will do a follow up and how to protect yourself against these. I can tell you now as you prob know, you cant do much. Thanks for sharing.


i look forward to that post...
i just started a series on Basic Survival...
Check it out if it interests you..

Thank you and I will certainly check then out thank you for sharing

Wrapping a phone in aluminium foil (bacofoil) does the same thing - but, of course, you can't use it! I tried it - it works.