Want to know what the most advanced quantum computer on the planet looks like...?
Go have a look in the mirror.
art credit: Samuel Farrand
We are coming online.
We are activating.
We are the most powerful technology on this planet.
Want to know what the most advanced quantum computer on the planet looks like...?
Go have a look in the mirror.
We are coming online.
We are activating.
We are the most powerful technology on this planet.
Until we understand the real us, we can't fathom our super abilities as humans.
We are Demi gods and we posses a lot of powers. A whole lot is possible when we integrate our major three components - the spirit soul and the body. They work synergistically to achieving greater things.
The brain which is under the physical realm controls basically all neuronal and physiologic system of the body. This same brain works in synchronicity with the minds which is connected to the spiritual and enables us to make rational decisions as humans.
We all have sleeping giants in us that is only active when we incorporate and integrate the powers of both the minds and the spiritual realm.
The potential man possesses extends far beyond the imagination of men. We only exploit the few ones we know and this makes us ingenious. This is why when someone does something spectacular or outstanding, he is termed a genius.
Some of these advanced technologies, robots that uses artificial intelligence and computers produced today are all based on the on the ingenuity of man.
Yes we are the most powerful arsenal on planet earth. Most inventions today are basically from man and also if you would agree with me, they mostly work based on the physiologic mechanism of humans. For example, the ultrasound machine and electrocardiogram machines takes advantage of the fact that there are electrical currents that runs through us, and as such it is able to detect their various conditions of the organs in the body as well as pulse and heart beat.
The bottomline is just for us to discover our potential and great abilities and also awaken our sleeping giants, when we do this, then there will be no limits to what we can achieve.
No matter how super or sophisticated a machine or inventions are, the truth still remains that, these machines were through the ingenuity of man. They did not just surface, we brought them into existence.
Cloning of humans proved that actually humans were Demi gods. if not for the fact that it questioned human existence, resulted to dummies and also dared to challenge the existence of God would have been one of the impeccable achievement of man. The clones individuals have no soul or mind and thus cannot make rational choices. This simply shows the importance of the spirit and mind as an intrinsic components of humans.
The spiritual controls the mind while the mind controls the brain and this brain controls the physical (body).
I will end by saying that man is truly an assets with the greatest potential only when we discover this potentials and how do we do this, obviously my looking at the mirror and challenging the sleeping giants in us to action.
Goodmorning @rok-sivante
Masterfully stated. 🙌
hey 100% Upvoted and resteemed but yeah man I used to always scoff at the whole human brain = quantum computer until i saw the whole thing with the microtubules in our pyramidal brain cells that have corn on the cub shaped proteins that are way smaller than brain cells, so instead of the total neurons its like an order of magnitude more than total neurons so way more processes can be handled by our brain that previously thought
https://steemit.com/science/@ackza/very-cool-images-of-nano-tubules-which-may-store-memory-and-drive-human-consciousness-in-the-brain-not-just-neurons-as-miningMy post above has the details or the video explains it all in detail but i extracted some of the best images in my post of you just want the eye candy/Big Picture of how hes isolated how the brain is creating conciseness in the Memory Creation part but using micro tubules these lil proteins acting as a quantum super computer and its very powerful science here stuff we will understand more as we developer quantum computers with their Qbits :D its crazzzzy stuff man yeah we ARE the best technology we know about!
@ackza the capacity and ability of the human brain can never be overemphasized....
It is one of the greatest asset man possesses.. It's ability is unquantifiable
yeah man the human brain is the best hidden secret tech, we should be studying neurofeedback and brain computer interfaces non invasive ones are what we need to focus on, neurolace is a lil too scarey we should see what we can do without invasiuve tech, we should use computers as bicycles for our brain or like motorcycles and not start implanting wheels into our legs etc :D
Also to mix science and art, whats crazy good for visual inspiration is Keylontic Science we need more of it on steem
You gotta love synchonicity as I was hoping to find some marvelous comments once more. Here it is!
Thanks @flauwy what I love mostly about @rok-sivante post is the uniqueness he gives to his post always
You have to really understand the indepth meaning before you can talk about it and these are the kind of challenges I love, it pushes me to really think deep and air my view.
That's what distinguishes him as the best among the best.
I am just so happy and privileged to be one of his loyal, faithful and ardent follower on this awesome platform. He has really thought me a lot through his unique posts.
I love how so many of these images portray the electromagnetic field of the human body. It’s one of those things that most people pretend not to understand. I say pretend, because we were all taught the laws of thermodynamics in high school. And we know the nervous system responds to electrical currents. And we know that a heart monitor measures the electrical pulses telling the heart to beat, not the actual muscle contractions.
So we know that of course we’re electromagnetic beings to a great extent, and as such are affected by stronger electromagnetic fields, such as those generated by homes wired with AC current. But everyone pretends. We live in these toxic little boxes that entrain us to unhealthy frequencies, then wonder why more and more people are getting more and more illnesses that used to be rare or unheard of. More and more time we spend polluting ourselves and pretending we don’t understand what we’re doing wrong.
I do agree with you that we have astounding potential in so many ways, but I think the only chance we start truly realizing that potential if we stop agreeing to play along. It’s time we all start living as if we know what we know.
it is pretty insane how our culture had conditioned us into blindness of the interdimensional dynamics of our being, which has been well-known to the ancients.
oh well. perhaps just part of the game of reclaiming responsibility and activating those potentials... :-)
Well when you are the infinite, what else is there to do but play at rediscovering yourself ;)
thanks for this @rok-sivante
It is indeed a wonderful process of rediscovery as we encounter such reflections of the deeper truths of who/what we are - and a magnificent process of activation as stepping into deeper integrations & being of these awareness... 🙏⭐️
We're definitely more than just the observer here.
Recently there has been shifts to how I'm perceiving energy and reality around me, and I appreciate the third image in your post. Everything that exists also vibrates an energy signature.
We are creating the very plane we reside in, and I'm losing the words as how much learning about this has been impacting my life.
There has been many opportunities, waking/ sleeping dreams, and situations that are aligning across the board. This morning I was asked to help proofread an article... On quantum computing. The other week I talked about retrocausality and shifting between different frames of now, and just a few minutes ago, a friend shared to me a video explaining non-linear time on my other social media.
Everything is connected, and although coincidence can be regarded as a decent scapegoat, it falls away the deeper you go. Thank you for the charts and images. I hope to understand them over time c:
we are the source of sivilization on this planet. we built everything and we also break it all. the earth is nothing without we are. we create technology, there is no super computer without we are. But nowadays we also create pollution and break the atmosphere we also contaminate the sea with the waste we are create. in fact we built everything on this planet and at the end we distruct it. sometime the nature fight us with flood, storm, and anything else to stop the distruction on this planet.
I want to appreciate you because you put really deep details and the subject, and you always hit where you want to hit it and i really agree with you, we are the greatest technology and many times i said this to many people when i talk in my videos also, our body produces the energy and it can be positive or negative and if it's positive then that positive essence will be spread around and others also can feel it, same way when we produce the negative energy that is also spread around us and people around can feel it and sometimes they can feel themselves as in uncomfortable situations. And sometimes i feel that we are giving more importance to the creation and not the creators (We), i strongly believe that every being have the aspect of ancient way of thinking this means, we can imagine unfinished and waste thing into great creation and history speaks everything means many inventors and creators of greatest technology started all stuff from waste and they had the capability to crate treasure from the waste.
I am really fortunate that, i am getting really informative stuff from you because these data is not just for watch and forget because this can help people to understand their own self and power of own creation. We are the creators just we need to believe on our own energy and have to put our mind in our goals because if we think then we can achieve and we can create the successful life.
Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
one point that stands out to be emphasized in response to what you've written - which is great, by the way...
Many associate "positive = good, negative = bad."
Yet, what would electricity power if there were only the positive charge...? ;-)
Absolutely right question and yes, one concept cannot develop anything it's all about the combination of different elements. Thank you so much for your kind response. Stay blessed. 🙂
At first I was kinda confuse about the whole picture in your post, I didn't really understand the message you were trying to pass across but after careful observation of the pictures and what others had said I now came to a point of understanding.
I absolutely concur with your words that says
The brain has billions of neurons that processes information, man has all this in his brain but due to the fact that we haven't known the powers we possess in us. we have just misused the powers vested in us. There is a saying that goes thusWe will continue to be, because it's just a minute aspect of our brain cell that we have successfully used. Albert Einstein used a greater proportion of his brain's I.Q and he is still said to be the smartest person that has lived on earth, I stand to be corrected if there is anyone that surpassed him. I agree with what @cyprianj said about we as men discovering our potentials and capitalizing on them. Albert Einstein was able to achieve all he achieved due to the fact that he discovered his abilities, and many other successful scientists in the world of science.
This is why an insane man never gets to achieve anything at all in life. Our creator has given to us all we need to strive through all this harsh weather conditions, poor Government systems, poverty and wants, critical health conditions just to mention a few. Those that have tapped into this well of abundance of wealth locked in their brains are the ones leading in all this aspect of life. In the words of my lecturer
We are only intelligent based on how we make use of the riches our maker has given to us. Those that are perceived to be dull are the one that hadn't used from this abundance or that where not trained well from the basics when they were younger.
There is no limit to what we can achieve if we all come to this understanding and tapping into this wealth of our brain. In the Bible, there is a story about the Tower of babel. This people where with one mind of building a structure that was going to span through the heavens and God saw this in them and caused a confusion in them and gave them different languages, so there was no more understanding amongst them. What am in driving at from this story is that it was someone's understanding that brought about that idea and to others that where perceived to be dull it was an impossible task to them. But if they weren't stopped by God they would have achieved their aim
Even in evolutionary biology when we don't use a part of our body for along time is dies of, or say losses it value,. Same thing applies for the brain. Some people can write with both hands why some can't. They have pushed their brains, not believing that they can only write with one hand and not believing in limitations.
Finally pushing one's self to the limits and using one's brain effectively and productively is the key to achieving the unthinkable with our brain. While doing that our soul and body should be in good shape. Thanks @rok-sivante for invigorating me into critical thinking . One love Bro.
And it’s not just a matter of the brain.
If talking neurons, it’s already well-known there are tons more in the gut and heart.
And then again, all that may still not provide the full picture, as the higher potentials come down to a matter of of genetic activation. (Which is within our power to control as seeking and finding the means to activate).
True words. I really didn't know that neurons exists in the guts. I most say I have learnt something new today.
The Enteric Nervous System: The Brain in the Gut
Think Twice: How the Gut's "Second Brain" Influences Mood and Well-Being
The images are all more real than the every day "reality" we perceive and we are naturally supposed to be able to consciously perceive it at will. I am glad we have plant medicines to help us circumvent the restraints and see it first hand.
How did we turn out to be so perfect and flawless? We ignore this advancement and crib about small imperfections in between us, humans. I am sad that most don't get the big picture of how the world is
Advanced quantum computer
what is the meaning of Advanced quantum computer is the system contained in the human body?
I'm not sure that's something that can be explained so much as discovered / come to realization of for oneself - or perhaps, the awareness activated...
Perhaps invest a few years studying broadly and deeply in metaphysics, eastern philosophy & medicine, Energy Anatomy, the realms of the psychedelic, quantum physics, etc, etc... and then the dots may connect to paint a clearer picture... ;-)
Though if you happen to find a shorter & easier route: make sure to share the map. 🙏💖
all human beings have an energy field that travel along the column and through the chakras, each one is related to our vital organs and act on our character and life decisions, we are so perfect naturally, we are infinite energy living in this body that can be reached adapt to the universe
Hi! Friend, I was impressed by this beautiful post. therefore apologize in advance before your permission, partial extraction of precious pictures and your explanation was done in my blog. I used them for the application of ASMR(Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response).
No apology necessary. I snagged them all from Pinterest and never gave credit for most, so all fair game, and glad you liked and passed on... :-)
My oh my, all these pictures are incredible. Not because they are attractive but because each one carries lots and lots of information about human being { Humans}.
This is some deep knowledge I must confess
Nice one! I practice fractal meditations where I visualize a fractal working through my heart chakra. I have had some interesting experiences that I will share soon in a post.
I believe that technology is trying to replace and make us forget how to use our own quantum computer. For example the aborigines of Australia claimed to have telepathy and now we have whatsapp.
Keep on posting inspiring content and by the way I love snowboarding too.
This is the post I've been waiting for. Interesting to keep learning about this. And I myself have just written about it. It may seem strange to people who do not understand about energy, metaphysics, science, or quantum physics. These pictures are easier for me to understand in comparison with the music pictures in the past. Good work sir..
@ponpase | From Indonesia
Haha, but what if we are an hologram and other beings created us.
Are they the real quantum computers then?
best friendship from
very beautiful post, human being is the most perfect creation in this world, no matter how small in our body there is its meaning and its function, all there is wisdom and benefits, maybe my comment far with the intention of posting above, but what is that power cross in my sanity ,,, thank you really @rok-sivante @tania22 in indonesia..
What a glittering look to all creature art
I believe we are top because we program the dumb computers to be smart
Gabage in Gabage out
I never even saw myself as that until now... Thanks @rok-sivante
it's ourselves, something behind us that is a mind that is processed by a brain that has imagination and infinite dimension, it is difficult to translate this ....
We are the most powerful technology on this planet
I agree with you my friend, we humans are the most powerful technology on this planet
I am fascinated with the pictures you display. The quantum technology is amazing.
Yes we are. :-)
I only wish they were in High Definition quality. 👀 Because they do look interesting!
a good post @roksivante, it looks like it is a picture of the veins or nerves that exist in the human body ..
Sangat bermanfaat, kamu sangat ahli di bidang yanh ini, teruslah berkarya dan tetap semangat, good luck friend
But... What... About... The Rabbits?! 🐰
You’re in the rabbit hole now, mate... ;-)
Awesome!!! My dream come true ; )))
Bikin pusing memahaminya, so dizzy understand it
wow is amazing. let's be the same friend steemit applauded and a big cheer for @rok-sivante for his success. extraordinary
This was a lazy comment. Not even a capital spelling start...
Lol. I am getting rather tired of these types of comments, which speak little-to-nothing relative to the actual content...
Steemit needs a middle class for sure lol
Very amazing and incredible picture, great post, I have resteem your post to more than 2600 my followers, success always for you @rok-sivante, greeting friendship and brotherhood from me @abialfatih in aceh indonesia
best of the post
I agree with this, "The true alchemical labs are the human body & soul."
This is my first comment on your blog, and what you post really i do not understand. can you explain more details about this quantum computer? Thank you @rok-sivante
Note comment above in response to pretty much the same question:
History always having it way to repeat it self: does human drawing I guess are from wey back but it’s often referred too which is still relevant in this modern era ! Great post boss @rok-sivante
Wow... amazing
the last picture is like alchemy picture, but a bit modern colour .. well i love the one picture about cakra model. is it going some real? because i know about cakra in naruto anime...
I don’t understand what you’re trying ask, as that’s not a proper English sentence.
well this is your picture above that I screenshoot. at the top right corner that we have the chakra structure, until now the chakra is only exist in naruto anime. well I just want to know how this became real in our life? thank @rok-sivante for your explanation...
This is wrong, bro. Hilariously false.
You can’t expect me to take over your responsibility for finding such simple answers that can be found on Google or in bodies of knowledge that have been around for thousands of years.
Owhh yeah.. Thanks you, I will learn more about it.. Hahhah..
bio mapa , multidimenzionalna mapa
bio karta coveka je nesto sto je odavno poznato svetu. Bio Institut u sloveniji ima cak I divne certfifikate kojom bio energijom covek raspolaze. Drago mi je da se ljudi mogu baviti proucavanjem na ovom nivou. Zasto je mapa coveka bitna . Ovde se vidi iz cistog primera dobre analize coveka I njegove mape.
very nice work here
following voted
I agree with you brother @rok-sivante, It's better we use English besides we use our own regional language (country).
The point is to make it easier to communicate with others in different parts of the world.
This is one of them when commenting, making other people confused in understanding the opinions we write in commenting.
The human body is a magical and powerful vessel that allows the physical experience for the universe. We are marvelous super computers.
this picture shows something extraordinary. if we realize the advantages in our bodies then we will be able to control the whole world. I conclude:
"that the human mind is the key to everything"
Do you agree with me @rok-sivante?
I know I am a quantum computer because my mind is able to download things from the universe as I write.
He he. Indeed, we are. 😉