mmm... dunno if just 7 year-olds - just look at the 27 year-olds!
The phonetards seem incapable of actually looking for info - all they do is ask: what's this? how do I X? where can I find Y? it's like their minds have shrunk to the size of their screens.
I hope 5G is really useless here - it is rubbish in the rain (that's how it's thermal effect on the body and microwave ovens work, by exciting water molecules - never mind the non-thermal resonance effects on other biochemical systems) so the best protection is to build a house from bottles of water. lol. then cover it in aluminium foil.
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absorb and reflect :)
Partly, the water will absorb, yes, but the aluminium foil is a cheap way to create a Faraday cage. Try wrapping a mobile phone in bacofoil and it will no longer send or receive ;-)