I wonder if you will think the same when an asteroid of the same size that ended the dinosaurs faceplants into the earth or we start a nuclear winter that lasts a few generations.
Much more has been spent on waging war and figuring out more effective ways of murdering one another vs exploration of space, and if we learn how to bio-form the existing lifeforms or terraform hostile environments we could learn how to potentially reverse catastrophic damage to the earth (if either of the above scenarios happen).
Money is also not 'real' if you think about it, the effort and time certainly is, but the actual fiat current dollar value is 100% fake. And is just a lure to get you taking that first step out into the void.
To the Moon!! Thank you for your interesting comment, support, and kind words. Much love and hope you have a productive day. <3
You hit the nail on the head 'Much more has been spent on waging war and figuring out more effective ways of murdering one another vs exploration of space'
Much love paulag. <3