The future of exploration of mankind is space, without a doubt. Yes, there is still plenty left to be discovered here on Earth but for the most part, we have done the job. The final frontier of humanity, has always been space.
After the excitement around the moon landings, it seemed as though our interest in space withered away with no big breakthroughs in space exploration over the last several decades.
Our dreams of colonising other planets, made bigger by sci-fi movies, has always been just that. A dream. Nothing more. I mean, we always knew it would happen one day but we always thought it would be at least a 100 years from now.
Not if Elon Musk has his way. He is spearheading a revolution that has brought that dream of ours right to humanity’s doorstep and is now aiming to achieve it in not a few decades from now but only 7 years from now!! Wake up people. The future is knocking!
How SpaceX Will Do It (A BIG Update)
On the last day of the International Astronautical Congress that was held recently in Adelaide, Australia, CEO of SpaceX, Elon Musk took to the stage to update us all on his plans of Mars colonisation.
He started by saying, “The future is vastly more exciting and interesting if we are a space faring civilisation”, and begun discussing about how exactly he will get us there.
For the purposes of Mars exploration and colonisation, he helped design a spaceship, that would be capable of not only Mars exploration but any other planet of the solar system as well.
For this, they are now developing the BFR (Big Falcon Rocket) project, which Musk talked about in great length on stage including future plans, the economics of it and its implications.
First off, let’s talk funding. Such a project demands huge funding and its a major roadblock. Musk said, they have a way though. First of all, they plan to make the BFR smaller than planned before (but still pretty big).
They also plan to replace their current Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy and Dragon Rockets to direct all funding to the BFR project. They also plan to generate revenue by launching satellites for the various agencies of the world and by servicing the ISS.
Now comes the technology part. There are several key areas which need to be perfected before we can head out to Mars and SpaceX has been doing just that. Apart from creating the capability to store large amounts of fuel on board and designing a really powerful engine, they are other several key technologies that must come together.
One of them is the ability to land perfectly. With Falcon 9, they are already perfecting propulsion landing and already have 16 successful landings in a row now. Another one is reusability of the rockets which will help bring the costs down dramatically which is also being perfected with Falcon 9 and Falcon heavy.
Other technologies that they are perfecting are, automatic docking to space stations, heat shielding that they are perfecting with their dragon vehicles, and a state of the art payload bay.
The journey to Mars would take somewhere between 3-6 months. Therefore, there are 40 cabins (2-3 people per cabin) and large common areas on the BFR. There is also a central storage, galley and a solar storm shelter on board.
The Future Plan
Musk continued to say that they have now already begun serious development of the BRF and plan to make an initial cargo mission to Mars in 2022. Yes!! 2022!! He even had to say on stage, “It’s not a typo, although it is aspirational.”
They plan to send at least 2 cargo ships to Mars to confirm water resources and identify any hazards. They are also planning to place power, mining and life support infrastructure for future flights.
Then for the main event, they will send a total of 4 ships in 2024 to Mars. Two of these will be cargo ships and two will have crews present in them. The initial missions will be aimed towards identifying water sources and to build a propellant plant which will be needed for future journeys back to Earth.
Also, another important goal is to build up a base from where the expansion can take place which will slowly turn into a city. The longer term goal is to terraform Mars and to establish a permanent, self-sustaining civilisation on the red planet.
One More Thing…
At the end, Musk astonished the crows in his “one more thing” type moment, by saying that since BFR rockets were capable of taking people to Mars, what if they could be used to transport people within Earth. He stated that they looked into this and the results were astonishing.
A trip on the BRF from New York City to Shanghai would take just 39 minutes. In fact, most long distance journeys would take just under 30 minutes and you would be able to travel to anywhere on Earth in just under an hour travelling at 18,000 miles an hour! NOW THAT’S THE FUTURE!!
I think if you had any doubts about who the leading change maker in the world is today, I think all those will now be cleared away now. For the more skeptical ones, I think they will need to wait for just 7 more years to see a new age begin for humanity.
You should check out the whole stage event for yourself. It's really great.
Video taken from SpaceX official channel on YouTube.
Images taken as screenshots from the video mentioned above.
Let’s hope he pulls it off. The USA an Russia have only just agreed on the new lunar orbiting space station for 2025 so if musk can seriously get to Mars by
yeah, it will be a very big deal and a huge failure of the world governments.
good point! it will be a failure of the state and triumph of the free market!
If we don't even have a colony on the Moon what makes him think he has the knowledge to make it successfully on Mars?
Just because something hasn't been done before doesn't mean it cannot be done in the future. Plus, the BRF can easily be used to set up a Moon base as well. Just watch the video. You should get a lot of answers.
its not hard, its easy we already have underground bases on earth we can survive on moon andgood point! we do need a moon base too! moon base alpha wil me more of a tourist destination people visit on their way back from Mars! You go to mars first then you come to the mon and hang out there so you get to enjoy soace before you come back to earth but still get to enjoy watching earth in the sky which must be one ofthe most magical things you could see , the earth in the sky the way the moon looks when it is in the sky....i can only imagine the moon would feel like a sandy desert
They say this new 2015 image from lunar reconnaissance orbiter is not fake but real, and it just looks too perfect, but in space there is just emptyvacuum so things would probobly end up looking too perfect looking,

wow you can even see the hollow earth opening at the pole on this photo! lol

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Can you give me your opinion for my last two post I want to know it's good or not
I don't trust that man as far as I can throw him. Even though I don't like him, on a number of levels, he does seem to have some huge goals and there is no denying that he can sniff out results then make them happen. Thankfully it isn't a popularity contest ;) I have been watching the developments pretty regularly and I continue to cringe. He is so excited to get us off of Earth, which I appreciate. However, I have always wondered what could be done to fix here if we applied those brains of Silicon Valley. Very often it seems like this elite group of people are like super smart children who have a "Screw you, these are my toys" vibe. They are secretive until they no longer care. Much like the patents that were freely given for the Model S, it sounds too good to be true. This guy is not altruistic and I don't believe he is here to help. He chose a career and an education that had him following the money trail, not the humanity trail. Personally, I can't decide if it is because he is trying to do something for humanity or his ego. Even giving away the patent seemed to be a move that was done to smartly avoid oversight. This is a man that likes to be seen but not watched, which can be dangerous or helpful. Careful who you bet on, is all I am saying. In any case, the result is the same. Like you, I am watching the moves of this man and his companies with anticipation. Good post, thanks for getting my brain all fired up this morining.
Every person has their own opinion and that is OK.
Personally, I think he is doing the work of 5 people single handedly. And who cares if he earns tons of money doing it as far as humanity is benefitting from it. I mean autonomous electric cars, space exploration, making solar energy mainstream? Aren't those things that will push humanity into a new era and help us in unimaginable ways?
God do I ever hate Elon Musk! Even more so when he opens his yap and starts talking! There is no worse person to listen to giving presentations. When he was presenting their new battery box that would go on the side of people's homes, it was like Kryptonite to my ears if I were Superman! My biggest issue with him is the fact that he started a company named after the best inventor and most imaginative genius of all time Nikola Tesla and didn't even release anything remotely imaginative or inventive. What a slap in the face to Nikola Tesla and his vision of a wireless future! Elon Musk is a soul sucker who is capitalizing on and tainting the name of the greatest mind the world has ever known!
Now, onto the reason I started typing out this comment.
"The future of exploration of mankind is space, without a doubt. Yes, there is still plenty left to be discovered here on Earth but for the most part, we have done the job. The final frontier of humanity, has always been space."
We haven't even figured out what is in the deepest parts of our oceans and there's still portions of earth that are completely undiscovered! Spending all this money to leave earth and go explore elsewhere is a massive waste of time and money when we don't even know the effects that undiscovered areas of earth could have on the rest of us! If the powers that be are really so scared of the hoax that is anthropogenic climate change. Shouldn't we first try to explore and discover all of the areas of earth so we can really nail down what effects are happening where!?
Many people have commented the same thing as you in the past, and I will tell your the same thing I told them. Why does it have to be either/or ????
We have enough manpower and resources and numbers, to do both space exploration as well as deep sea exploration or any other Earthly explorations for that matter. It might not seem that important but in the future if for any reason, Earth becomes uninhabitable or we are faced with an end of the world scenario, THEN we will realise the importance of expanding our presence out in the cosmos and to colonise other planets.
Personally, I don't care if Elon Musk is doing it for the money or for any other reason under the roof. What I care about is he is single handedly bringing change in several key areas which should have been developed by now. Yes, we would all like to see him unveil the wireless future that Nikola Tesla had in mind, but who is to say, he won't in the future?
It's pretty exciting stuff. Be nice if we focused on fixing this planet instead of reaching out to a new one though
I know. But we can do both. Fix the planet as well as reach a new one. We have enough of us here to do both. It doesn't have to be either/or!!!
You say it doesn't have to be either or, but considering it would cost ~x10 more to send people to space than actual solve the problem down here, don't you think concentration of resources are key?
Don't get me wrong, I love the Idea. But we have to be realistic about what we have and how we should prioritize it.
Yes, the costs are there, but SpaceX is trying to do it with the least amount of costs as possible. In fact the BRF will have the minimum launch cost ever of any rocket. Plus, there is also the huge amount of returns in terms of knowledge and an expansion of our species into space that will ensure our survival in case of an end of world scenario.
Elon Musk is the Einstein from the new age ! He will revolution our world, i don't know if you see that but in 1 year start the construction of "rocket" to join every destination of the world in 1 hour ! And the cost of ticket will be not more expensive than the actual plane cost !
Very good article, i'm passionate whith space and it was a pleasure to read you @sauravrungta
Quentin, France ✌
Yes, I mentioned that in my article too.
Owner of the spacex is consider as real world tony stark character of iron man series. He will definitely do it.
He sure is the Iron Man of our world! :)
I am waiting for the day i will be having my IT jobs on mars and will be visiting Earth every weekend to my mother 😁😁
I am not sure if you will be able to do it, but yes, your daughter might be coming to visit you every weekend on Earth from Mars ;)
Haha my children would live my dream that way :D ,every parent's story :)
Your IT job will move to some low cost R&D center, which wont be Mars. Probably Vietnam or Malaysia
Hehe lol, vietnam or malayasia, wont be needed, India is good with IT and cost effective too :)
Most people here on the house (European Space Agency) are shrugging and saying "I'll believe it when I see it" as a response to the dates set by Musk.
It'll be interesting to see if he can do what NASA failed to achieve: Namely to successfully operate a "one vehicle to rule them all" concept that is both reusable and can both serve the interest of space exploration and also deploy satellites. This was after all what the Shuttle was meant to do.
My bet is on Elon to make it in the end, but probably 2-3 years after the dates, he sets. He seems to always be a bit late on his perhaps a bit over ambitious goals. But then again, I much rather see an ambitious goal be set that is achieved a bit later, than all the mumbling of "let's go to Mars sometime in the 2030s or 2040s!" (Under a President yet to be installed, and on a budget yet to be set...) So I'm all in on team Elon ^^
Yeah, he is setting the BFR as the "one vehicle to rule them all". It will be reusable, would be able to make services to ISS, go to Mars (or any other planet), and also transport people within Earth!! The ultimate ship, if you will.
Even though he is 2-3 years late on his promises, that still is a pretty impressive timeline (2027), compared to the other agencies around the world. So, yeah, I'm all in on team Elon as well :D
Elon Musk is a genius, so we should listen when he speaks.
On a side note, he's a believer in the possibility that we're all living in a simulation ( Don't know what to make of that, it's just a mind-boggling thought.
Yeah, he truly is. Single guy doing so much for humanity. And yes, I have read about that and written quite a bit too :)
Is there anything in there about how he's going to deal with oxygen supply? I think any Mars project is going to end in disaster for this sole reason.
I think it will somehow be produced locally on Mars. In fact, I wrote about this a few weeks ago. MIT is building a machine that will be able to produce oxygen on Mars.
Upvoted. I'm going to resteem this now :]
Thank you :)
I will wait for this day
Me too!
Hahah story
Does this mean that USA will claim ownership of Mars or it will share it with the world?
I don't think the USA can clam ownership of Mars. There is a space treaty which doesn't allow any country to own anything in space (as far as I know).
Hope you are right :)
I always get excited when I read anything Elon Musk related. Then I have to remind myself that he sets insanely ambitious deadlines for his projects...not that it takes anything away from my excitement!
Me too! And yes, I think, in some way setting ambitious deadlines is important even though they are never realised. Because a lack of time is a huge motivation to do something. If we have vague time lines like 2030s or 2040s like NASA sets, then nothing is ever done, or it's done at a very slow pace. (Just my thoughts)
Elon musk hasn't invented anything new, ever.
He is a wonderful salesman, with some really big backers who have set him up as the govern-cement subsidized shill for an outlet for space dreamers.
Sorry all you rocket enthusiasts.
Lets look at the Tesla. I read how to build such in a book published in the 70s. And, he hasn't done anything better... except, the sales job.
Similarly, everything that space-X is doing is old stuff. And they aren't doing it very well. However, they do not have to. They are their to put on a show. They are there to make people have hope and faith that we are still increasing our innovation.
The reality is that The US has a secret space program. They have flying saucers. No one uses rockets. No one believes in such silly notions and gravity and mass.
The truth is we have an enormous amount to learn about earth. We haven't explored by one tenth of it. We don't even know what shape it is. We don't even know all of the intelligent life the lives on the earth.
And this is because we have been lied to. Systematically dumbed down and kept from knowing the truth. So much evidence has gone to the smithsonian to just... disappear.
Similar to how americans still believe we are number one... when supposed third world countries have us beat in many metrics. Our science has become science fiction... to keep the dreamers of space happy.
Will he be able to do it? Yes not a doubt in my mind that he will get us to mars before US & USSR have that Orbital moon base. A little over 9 years ago, he could not get anyone to help him on his Falcon rockets, so he had to be chief engineer. I doubt that there is a single Rocket/Space Engineer that would say no to Elon today. He is a Dreamer he has always been a Dreamer, but unlike me he has found a way to make his Dream come true, and so it will be.
Dreamers are the ones who push the world forward and we are lucky to have him at this very important stage in humanity's course. He truly is the real life Iron Man.
Great synopsis of the talk. It takes people like Elon Musk to do the things that other orgs and governments can’t or won’t do.
Exactly!! History stands proof to this fact. There is always that one person in every generation that pushes things forward by orders of magnitudes and humanity reaps the benefits for centuries to come.
boss vote is got me once
Great post my frends @sauravrungta , pliss upvote my post
Hope Elon succeeds, even if it is after his timespan. This is aspirational.
Can we all just take a monent and agree on the level of Elon's awesomeness! I recommend levels of epic proportion!
I do that quite often :D
this will be great.
I CANT WAIT to go from city to city on earth in 40 mins!
eventually mars will look like this
Thank you for the info - great article!