Just imagine how much science and technology is involved with us today or how much we add to it - you are in 2017, but there is no electronic device around you, there is no internet, and there is little radio in the ninja; Imagine it would be hard to imagine.
Science and technology are constantly working to improve the quality of our lives, but we have some technologies that are not only for today but also for the future. This article will try to focus on those technologies ...
Undoubtedly there is no need to say how this internet has changed our life money. Today, we are trying to enjoy this great article from Techhabs, so only by the Internet. Crores of computers all over the world work together in the same formula, providing you with online chat, e-mail send, website visits, video play, and no idea how much benefits. source
"Smart" these words have been added to the names of many today's divisions, almost all the disables are completely stagnant without the Internet. First of all, just visiting the website and using the Internet to communicate, its usage has now exceeded all limits. Computing without internet can not be considered. In front, artificial intelligence, DNA storage, self-driving cars etc. could never have been imagined if the Internet did not exist. Virtually any thing that is done by digitally transmitting data, it is possible to do everything on the Internet. Today, human homes have become offices in the office. There is only one thing about the world's two clicks.
Optical Fiber
Lighting is saving our life, we are energizing our strength and courage, and now we use the technology to transport digital data through light. Thinking that we use the light in the way of seeing the path, which has been carrying calls, music, video, email chat, pictures today through Tech. Fiber optic cable is used extensively for connecting the internet nowadays. Which is basically made of a glass tube layer. source
We know that the light always goes on parallel paths, but here the reflection of light is carried on in the light of the religion and on the same side, through the zigzag tube. And the light is encoded with digital data, which are transcribed back to original data. Fiber Optic Cable is currently used as a computer networking, broadcasting, medical scanning, and military equipment.
3D printing
Imagine the power of the 3D printer? No matter how complex a model is made, it is able to make 3D printers and exact objects in the eyeball. You can use different size printers as you want to print the object of high altitude. An object layer by layer is printed on the 3D printer. Not only the copy of the physical object in front of your eyes, but by virtually using the 3D software, any design object can be used to engage in an eye-opener. Drawing some imagination things on a computer screen is a different matter, but think, you are trying to touch the object of your imagination, touching it, trying to feel it. The home made your future model will be ready now, you can take full idea. source
Not only this, but before the future of creating a future, you can see it physically. To create a prototype of any product. You can even make a copy of yourself with this 3D printer. Those who work on different projects, 3D printers have added them to another level. Nowadays, jewelry is being used for the making of various ornaments, the 3D printer. The biggest thing to do is to think about how awesome objects can be created in just a short period of time.
Today's modern computers have given so much smaller size. Of course this transistor, you can compare it to the switch. It is necessary to save millions of bits in a computer processor and memory, and each bit preserves every switch. source
Thinking how big would it be to switch a million switches on a computer? Good luck, we have this nanometer size switch, which is going to break even a few hundred million switches than the palm of the hand. The transistors are being made smaller by day, increasing the processing of computer and adding more switches, which means more powerful computers are coming in front of us. Today, your handset smartphone is so small and so powerful that only the transistor responsible for this.
The Internet of Things
There is nothing new to say about internet. You have a sense of what you can do here. But more than the Internet, we can do more than anything. In the meantime, if a digital data send is possible by the receiver, then it will be possible to do that work through the Internet. Of course, every electronic device works on digital formats, then how is it that each device is virtually connected to the Internet? And the idea of The Internet of Things is the creation of this concept. source
Every smart device will be connected to the Internet using the internet itself, your smart phone will automatically check where you are and where you are. If you are not at home, home lighting, TV, fan, everything will be automatically closed. If someone enters the house, your home security system will give you a shirt. Besides, you can stop the cooking of the oven while sitting in the office, or you can get your car from the home garage with a command from the smart phone, without the driver again without it. The Internet of Things is a concept through which the disks will be full of vain intelligence.
Solar Cell
Did anybody ever think that in the previous day, could it be possible to run sunlight, fan, TV etc. from the sunlight? The sun is the largest source of energy, the whole world survives due to the sun, but the tech has made more work from the sun. Solar cells or solar power is the tech that can reach us from the sun, without power. source
Not only in the daytime, the battery is being charged by getting the sun from the sun, so that energy may be available at night. If the solar was not there, then how could the electricity circulating in the sky above the sky? There can not be any more generator, is not it? Now this technology is getting much popularity. Energy is being supplied by installing this cell from house to car. The best aspect is that it is 100% environmentally friendly and endless energy.
Who has made today's world so advanced? How to get live footage from one end to another? How is your smart car or smart phone showing your location? How can mobile calls be made in mountainous areas even without networking? How is one year's weather news already available? The answer to all these questions is "satellite" - the discovery of which dramatically changed our standard of living. source
Today we can monitor momentarily anywhere in our planet. The scenes that were never seen, the satellite helped them show us. We can also monitor the planets on our planet. Immediately measuring the distance of the space in the distance. There are many types of satellites in space, each of them has different functions. Internet, TV broadcasts, weather forecasts, GPS, or any signals from the earth, and then reaching to the other end of the world, these satellites are working tirelessly. The satellite has given us a different kind of power, which we could never imagine before.
Antennas and transmitters
You are talking on the phone, using the computer using the Internet, uploading many photos, downloading videos, but wondering how it is possible? All the signals are roaming in the air, and the antenna catches them into internet data, pictures, music, video. Using the cellphone company's transmitter antenna you are talking on the phone. source
Antennas and transmitters work in the same type, only one signal is sent and one receives the signal and makes the original data. If there was no antenna, no world communication system would work. Never talked from millions of crores, TV could not even imagine. So this can tell the antenna and transmitter the basis of all the communications, which technology has given us a gift.
Our eyes can not see anything in a dark and lonely environment. Even the latest cameras have a range of vision strength. So how can we see the darkness and thousands of objects in the distance? In this case, the tech brings us to the radar, which is very difficult to survive. source
Using high frequency radio waves, it helps us see the objects of any size. And because of this technology being in our midst, enemy forces or enemy countries can not attack at all. Dense fog, night and day can not prevent anything from detecting this system from any object. Radar radiation radios are able to pursue any objects running at the speed of light. Thinking, this technology has given us a powerful eye and light motion.
Super computer
At one time, big computerwad commented that the computer would never need a home user. But today the computer pockets in each of us pockets. In the last few years, there has been such a change in the computing technology that we have created a very powerful computer, which will solve it as long as it is calculsane. source
Supercomputer can work millions of times faster than our normal computer and work more. Its processing system is completely different. It uses multi-size processor, RAM, and power so that it can be possible to get giant computing. It is possible to use all these supercomputing tasks, including complex calculation of science, weather forecasts collection, encryption, and more. Quantum computer is going to give us the tech in front, which will be able to adapt to the power of a super computer.
Cellphone technology
Today's most widely used tech device is this cellphone, it is very popular and almost everyone has one. Communication might be so easy, if the cell phone was not discovered, it would have been out of imagination. Today this cellphone has reduced the distance between us. Whether you are on the verge of the world, you can use any cellular phone to find information about any of the Earth's surface. source
In the previous day, the use of cell phones was limited to just calling. But today's cell phones, which are called smartphones, are no less than complete computers. You can install various applications in it. With the Internet, chat, mail sending, web browsing, even your home alarm clock and flash lights have replaced the cellphone. In today's world, more people use the Internet than cell phones. Even, all the work in the office is possible on this cellphone, with the help of a cellphone, the computer can be controlled today.
If you still think diamond (diamond) is the most powerful and difficult material in the world, you are totally wrong. Now graphan is the most difficult material, maybe it is not so much today, but I can say that the day will be completely in the hands of graphene. source
It is a thin material more than a single paper, which makes it possible to create any object. And the best thing is that we know that steel is the most powerful and solid material, more than 2000 times stronger than this graphene. There are many uses of the trick. Although its use is not very popular today, but almost anything will happen in the future. Think once again, the Graphene mobile cover made, which does not break even if it is dropped from space.
nice post