Around the world, teams of scientists are working on the next technological revolution: quantum computing. But what makes it so special? And why do we need this?
On a normal computer, the information is stored as bits. How is it different on a quantum computer?
A normal computer has bits and every bit is a zero or one. A quantum computer has quantum bits (Q-bits). These are made of quantum particles that can be zero and a one[in other words, both values at the same time].
So a quantum bit is made of a physical particle?
It can be almost any fundamental particle, so it can be a photon or an electron, or it can be a nucleus, for example. It is a particle that can have two different properties at the same time. For example the particle can be in both places and in the other place at the same time. Currently. D-Wave Computers utilize 'Single Electron' Q-bits.
How does this help with computers?
In a normal computer, a certain calculation can continue for a given calculation by all the different possibilities of zeros and ones. A quantum computer can be in all states at the same time, So i can calculate all probabilities simultaneously. Which can be much faster.
What is the biggest challenge?
Particles are inherently unpredictable. so being able to control them is the difficult part. this is achieved by placing the system in a vacuum chamber and super cooling them down to near absolute zero, this then uses the properties of quantum locking, enabling the particle to be measured.
What are the applications?
Most Multilayered calculation systems would benefit. Calculations working against each other. such as Weather Predictions in our own atmosphere and solar. logistics. Scientific research such as Big Bang Theory. what it cant do is structured binary computations, Gaming is a good example of this. you feed it a binary equation/problem and it will show you all the possible answers of this equation.
Are there other scientific applications?
Calculate the positions of individual atoms in very large molecules, such as polymers and viruses. The way the particles interact with each other - there are so many different options that they usually say you can not calculate well with more than about 10 atoms in the molecule. So if you have a quantum computer, you can use it to develop drugs and understand how the molecules work a little better, But can take on tasks such as Logistics, Weather Predictions and Probability calculations to name a few uses.
Are there commercial quantum computers?
Yes, Currently ''D-Wave'' is the largest manufacturer of Quantum Computers. but at a cost of over $15 million US per 2000 Q-bit unit. Companies such as Google, Nasa and various universities have one.
Do quantum computers look like our desktops and laptops now?
They have completely redesigned the computer. The first quantum computers fill a room. The Current Gen take up the space of a large Wardrobe. It will take a while before you get to the desktops. Actually, in fact, what happens is that you have a hybrid laptop with a quantum chip and a classic chip
And in a nutt shell, thats quantum computers.
Thanks for reading
I'm relly excited about quantum computing. It won't solve all of our troubles, but a specific set of computing problems could be solved so much faster when quantum computing becomes more mainstream it'd be really interesting to see where that all leads to.
Thanks for the write up :)
It is looking like history is repeating itself.
First modern computer was bigger in this size.
In future maybe we all have quantum laptops in our hand.
Nice post.
Keep as aware of these kind of stuffs.
will do ;)