
Precisely my mission, awesome dude.
Are you familiar with Leader technologies and their alleged role in the story of facebook?

And I don't like bullies....

No I am not. Can a web search turn that up? I see their failings from the outside and since I have expertise in computer systems hardware and software my intuition there seems to have been right. Thanks!

Would LOVE your feedback on this super not-talked-about story. Intuition says it's true, but I am still prospecting that paradigm. If this is true....
it will have bearing on anything we think we're doing.

Start here:


Ok thanks for that. I know how and why he got sideways on my problems... they should have taken right side.

I see some of this problem now with the 761 patent etc. And I have a couple of items saved related to Winkelvoss...

Point is I can do this type of thing. And my designs work. USA can't use my IP since I am stateless.

Intellectual property is worth nothing when you steal it since:

  1. You don't own it.

  2. You don't have the intellect to own it and by that use it.

Intuition caused me to be circumspect and with that I drilled on it. I am right...