
Exactly, I actually dropped out mid-2014 just when scrypt-ASICs been on the market for a few months if even that. It was still profitable to mine Scrypt with GPU even though people had ASIC's...

Yes but I still think I would have been better off spending the same amount of money on buying BTC and just using it to buy altcoins on the exchanges when they were cheap.

I mined BTC back in 2010 but quit cuz my cousin told me I'd get fucked yada yada yada, I was 15 and stupid as fuck. Then I started out with 0.1BTC in October 2013, traded my way up to like 3-4 280x in November. In late December I had earned maybe 10-12 BTC.
I'm trying to do the same right now but it's impossible nowadays since people are getting scammed by devs all the time :/

Yes I think it is a lot harder to make money now! I wish I had just saved my bitcoins from early in the day instead of putting them in all kinds of crap. Live and learn I suppose!

Steemit is the way to go imo, right now my active post is a bit slow but hopefully it will wake up later haha

I pulled all my assets out from cryptos mid 14's, I burnt them - fast. I could have bought decent cars, furniture and rent a good place but nah I wasted it haha