I prefer to keep my swap on my root SSD's and not on an array.
For my witness nodes and my full node I use Raid 0 NVMe with swap files ( like them over partitions as they are more flexible) as everything is 100% replaceable and speed is far more important.
For these nodes, I am trying to get as close to ram performance as possible, so speed is critical.
Ehh, I've have a few flash drives fail on me in the past and cost me time at crucial moments, so I try to avoid using swap on them. It's a bit annoying, but I'd rather a slightly slower system than have to restore data when on a deadline. Of course, if I mirrored them, it wouldn't quite be as critical, but then I'd still have to potentially buy a new drive suddenly, or risk losing data when one inevitably fails.
By flash you mean ssd? Under normal use SSD and NVMe can easily last 10-20 years. Especially newer ones and Pro series.
Yeah, mostly flash based sata SSD's.
I've had a few normal consumer ones fail on me by a few different major brands. Usually in less than a year. Literally every one I've owned in less than 3 years. Well, not consider the ones I've bought recently that are less than a year or two old. They're supposedly getting better though, so I'm hoping I won't have as bad of luck in the future.
Maybe a geek power users isn't considered normal use though. I probably use my computer more than double the time most people do. And I don't just use a browser. I'm constantly compiling and such.