This happened a little while ago, but I was while putting my son to bed my fire detector went off. (I am so glad I replaced them all when we bought our new house, they all were not working).
I ran into my computer room with my son following me, I put my arm out to try to keep him behind me and I see this.
While it is hard to see, the computer case I had has an external drive bay built into the top of it, and the drive attached lit on fire. The wiring for the case was too thin for extended use and eventually melted and shorted out.
The case actually melted to the drive, and it was difficult to get it removed.
I was having problems with the drive and tried 3 drives in the bay, it fried two of them, the last lit on fire.
I knew something was going on as it couldn't read any of my drives but left it alone while I read to my son before bed. When the fire alarm went off we both jumped up and searched the house. It wasn't hard to find due to the awful smell.
If I went to sleep the situation would have been far worse. If you haven't checked your fire detectors in a while, do that today. You should check them every 6-12 months. They can save your life!
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"The house is on fire!"
"Where my camera?"
On my phone. When I got there I realized it was a small fire and had plenty of time to take a picture. If I didn't catch it so quick it would have been much larger and likely just ran out of the house.
this wowed me while reading, and has really enlightened me
Thank all are safe!
umm, what?
Flagged as you will get someone killed.
How is that going to get someone killed? Sounds like he's recommending to get one even if you don't have one.
Is the original comment, which is very far from the truth. Every home should have at least one fire detector on every floor, and one in the bedrooms. Suggesting not having fire detectors is a very bad suggestion.
He didn't suggest that every home not have one. He was stating a fact that it's unfortunate some do not. LOL. It sounds like he's speaking from experience.
Oh, I think I get what's happened here. You're reading "are" as "should".
His profile says he's from India, it's quite possible they don't have the same building regulations. I was watching a music video from this awesome band there (Bloodywood, check them out), and they were filming walking down this street and I seriously thought, "Holy shit, there are so many electrical wires hanging off those buildings, I hope there's never a fire!!"
Wha? You mean like this?
Yup, that would be what I mean. 😂😂😂
Haha! Thanks for talking about this by taking an example....I don't mean to hurt anyone....I must have communicated properly...I'm glad that you liked Indian stuff.
They are a really cool band! 😃
Thanks for talking about this! No big deal....I Don't mean in that way actually....@themarkymark felt bad on my comment but no problem because we all are from different places having different living conditions and I must have commented more carefully
I look at it as a courtesy. If I say/do something because I misunderstood someone, I would like that pointed out to me so I could set it straight to prevent further confusion.
Thanks for Understanding! Indeed I was little upset with my comment initially...Now I feel better when my friends came to talk about this and solve the issue so that there will be no misunderstandings further.Thank you very very much.
I figured it was a language barrier and not malicious, the flag was just to hide it so other people didn't get influenced on what I consider bad advice.
If you want to remove that line I will remove the flag, but it won't harm your account any, it's a tiny flag, just enough to hide the comment. Doesn't take rewards and has almost no impact on rep.
WIthout the fire alarm in my case could have resulted in the house burning down when I was sleeping.
I thought that might be the case, but it's really bad advice regardless of where you are. Fire detectors save lives.
yeah! I agree with that
Sorry @themarkymark....Because i'm from a small village i thought in that way...Sorry once again if you felt bad...I strongly recommend everyone to use safety devices....It was never my intention to hurt anyone
Wow, sometimes we don't put enough importance into those things because we think "nothing will happen" but when we are into the situation we thought we would never be, we wish we were cautious before.
Good the news 👍
Oh my God....
This accident remember me about what happened to my brother Last year.... His computer was error because this issue ... Be patient buddy, it will be new again with this profit.
Wow! Makes me feel a little better about when I used to sit my laptop on actual cooler ice packs. 😂 Glad there wasn't any more damage or injury!
Wow, crazy stuff! I know that I just take it for granted that my electronics around the house are going to work properly and not start on fire and kill me! ;) Smoke detector is probably one of the cheapest and least thought about things in the house, yet it is invaluable when it's needed. Thanks for the reminder and happy to hear y'all are ok.
Oh, so glad it wasn't more than that.
Thank you for the advice, checking on the fire detector would save us from a lot of problems like this.