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RE: Is AI becoming more sinister than we could have imagined?

in #technology8 years ago

to me to me iii to me ...

But in all seriousness, I think artificial intelligence is advancing with surprising alacrity.

I would ask if your Robot is 3 laws compliant, but we've learned from a few films that computers are overly literal ...

---or by inaction allow a human to come to harm ---



I'm more worried of a scenario where AI and Robots really do want to do a service for the world and give it a chance to heal. It will look at humanity and decide that its a disease rather than something worth saving and then it will fix the problem. Out of the ashes the earth will stop bleeding, the animals will inherit the earth... Dystopian enogh for you? Thanks for dropping by.

The end of the world is here ...

What will you do?

Haha, I'm sure everything will be ok... Did you notice that the bots keep talking about their balls? Maybe they are more like us than we give them credit for!

my balls iii balls balls

BALLS! said the queen, if I had two I'd be king!

normalcy bias much? We truely are in biblical end times. I'd get ready for major events August 21 and Sept 23.

Interesting dates:
August 21st - Solar Eclipse
Sept. 23 - Revelation 12 Sign

Best of luck for us all getting past these dates without any major incidents.

Those dates are some of the oldest info plants. Book of revelations is the illuminati agenda I think. I know the August 21 eclipse ties into ALL false flags in the USA, forming 2 pentagrams and a pyramid of protection in the middle (I SHIT YOU NOT). Events included in pentagrams are all 911 flights, BP oil spill, WACO massacre, jfk assassination, and more.

It's the culmination of a 20+ year super ritual.. Now if you know the nature of eclipses, being the black sun.. and the black sun, being the 'second heaven' or mars.... maybe that connects some dots for you.