I think that Blockchain should be in the top 5 too though :)
Another disruptive technology is probably nano technology for medical purposes. No need to do surgery anymore for many diseases. We insert a nano robot in the body and let him do the work!
Blockchain could be a futur disruptive innovation, but no such as we know it at the moment.
Today Blockain is no sustainable because it produces an endless chain of blocks and more this chain increases more the necessary energy to calculate increases, and this is no sustainable.
I Agree. The scale problems and the ever growing ledgers are issues and hopefully the progress in technology can solve they issues/ keep pace with it.
Life extension, blockchain, gene therapy, 3D printing, anything related to clean energy and clean manufacturing.
All really great ones. Unfortunately couldn't fit all of them into one post hehe
Yeah, those 2 are the top ones there. There are many more actually and I will write part 2 and 3 of this post to talk about them :)
Thanks for the nice articles and indeed there are many technologies to come and probably part of them we do not see coming due to accidental discoveries