I am aware that resolving these issues is always going to be above my pay grade. I note that AI, or DI, or algorithms, are just software, and there is nothing that more rapidly becomes dispersed than ideas. In every field of industry today decentralization of the means of production is the cutting edge of technological advance, and it is obvious to me that the functionality of AI will be amongst the fastest technological advances to saturate the population, because it best potentiates all technological advance.
Simple rules govern physics, and the laws of physics are what determines what tech can exist. The more advanced technology becomes, the faster it disperses, and the faster it advances. The more advanced technology becomes the more it increases productivity, and the more it becomes decentralized. It's easy to ignore these laws of physics and imagine any of a myriad horrible possible futures, but by keeping them in mind there is only one inescapable conclusion: centralization is obsolete, and very quickly independent means at the sole options of individuals will eliminate parasitic losses.
Regardless of the preferences of overlords, paradise is coming, and it is no coincidence that we fall into the infinite abyss of unlimited resources from which independent means will create inconceivable wealth, which will produce unimaginable felicity our posterity will enjoy in perpetuity.
It's going to be a rough transition through the clinal boundary that terminates centralization and the overlords dependent on parasitization, but that will but make the transcendence all the more satisfying.
See y'all on the other side!
Yeah I don't mean to come across as pessimistic. I'm about 50/50 on which side comes out on top at this point, just some thoughts on the narrative and speculation on the maneuverings of the would be world controllers. Also didn't mean to be a dick, you and Dr. Utter are 2 of the very few writers I actually read lately.
I was having a conversation today with a friend and he talked about evil, or the root of evil being "forgetting", in the sense that we have forgotten, with some encouragement along the way, that we are more than just meat. I think the whole narrative around AI supports that materialist trend in thought and the idea that man could "create" sentience seems like the most hilarious hubris, but then, it's hard to even have a conversation about the nature of consciousness due to language limitations and social stigmas so wtf do i know.
The very idea of consciousness is almost blatantly ignored by the scientific establishment, any culture that has made a study of it in history is more or less mocked by the "intelligentsia" and any attempt to look in that direction is derided as "pseudoscience". And yet we are magically going to create consciousness by making an algorithm that is "very complex". Laughing till i cry, then crying till I laugh. Mostly at myself.
I really appreciate the nuance and substance of your thoughts, and I hope I didn't give the impression I didn't. I am happy our conversations benefit your understanding, and you profit from my words.
It is that battlefield for hearts and minds I seek victory on, because that contest will support victory through development of civil society ignorance and barbarism can only destroy. I observe that whatever opposition or setbacks impede our work, humanity never fails to surmount whatever gets in our way, and I am confident madmen and monopoly money will not prove our undoing.
We may not understand who or what we are today, but our record assures me our nescience is temporary. In a few centuries our posterity will marvel we could tie our shoes with so little grasp of our place and structure, having knowledge I am certain sure we'll gain, and moving in that direction is all I expect from us.