"Self-Driving Cars Will Cause Riots In The Street" - Meet America's First Anti-Automation Candidate

in #technology7 years ago

Content adapted from this Zerohedge.com article : Source

Elon Musk warns about the dangers of artificial intelligence. Add Andrew Yang to the list of people who are not thrilled about the advancements of automation - specifically self-driving cars.

Mr. Yang is launching a campaign to run on the Democratic platform in 2020.

One New York businessman is mounting what the New York Times describes as a "longer-than-long-shot" bid for the Democratic on a platform that has never before existed in mainstream American politics: America needs to embrace radical change to prevent AI and automation from thrusting millions of Americans into poverty.

His name is Andrew Yang, and he recently founded the organization Venture for America as he gears up for a 2020 run. Yang's philosophy is simple: America needs to radically restructure its society to prevent robots from causing Great Depression-level unemployment...

Yang is a universal basic income supporter, a system he terms "Freedom Dividend". His timing could be impeccable with many in the technology sector calling for this type of program. These technological leaders concluded that a large increase in unemployment due to technology is all but certain.

Mr Yang proposes-

To fend off the coming robots, Mr. Yang is pushing what he calls a “Freedom Dividend,” a monthly check for $1,000 that would be sent to every American from age 18 to 64, regardless of income or employment status. These payments, he says, would bring everyone in America up to approximately the poverty line, even if they were directly hit by automation. Medicare and Medicaid would be unaffected under Mr. Yang’s plan, but people receiving government benefits such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program could choose to continue receiving those benefits, or take the $1,000 monthly payments instead.

His reasoning-

"All you need is self-driving cars to destabilize society," Mr. Yang, 43, said over lunch at a Thai restaurant in Manhattan last month, in his first interview about his campaign. In just a few years, he said, "we're going to have a million truck drivers out of work who are 94 percent male, with an average level of education of high school or one year of college."

"That one innovation," he continued, "will be enough to create riots in the street. And we're about to do the same thing to retail workers, call center workers, fast-food workers, insurance companies, accounting firms."

The insight about Trump carrying states with highest automation is very interesting and I would love to see some real analysis on that.

Alarmist? Sure. But Mr. Yang's doomsday prophecy echoes the concerns of a growing number of labor economists and tech experts who are worried about the coming economic consequences of automation.

Does Mr Yang have a chance? As President Trump showed two years ago, do not count anyone out.

Non-adapted content of this zerohedge.com article: Source

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Good article @zer0hedge!

America needs to embrace radical change to prevent AI and automation from thrusting millions of Americans into poverty.

Yes, automation could remove jobs. The word 'robot' literally is a loan word from 'rabotet': 'to work'.

In practice the opposite was always the case: more work, harder, longer work hours. AI could change that for many jobs, but it's a process not an overnight event.

The argument that automation will lead to jobs in other sectors held water 50 years ago, but there will come a time when technology will square its self yearly, monthly, and then daily. At that point, the argument will be null and void, and a complete restructuring of government, society, and economics will need to take place or this jokers theories will have some validity.

Andrew Yang is right from all angles. At the moment these technologies are benefitting people and economies across the globe. People get excited and cheer whenever an innovation comes into the market but many have no idea what is coming to them in the near future.
America would be lucky to have Andrew Yang win the elections. He's having something big on the plate for the American people. Especially the low-skilled workers who are going to be the most harmed by technological developments, as robots and computing advancements easily replace workers undertaking repetitive tasks.. Just like the drivers as stated in this post. A massive number of people especially men who are earning a living and supporting their families with these meagre earnings will be left with no option but to take the fight to the streets.. making America, a country known for peace an unstable place to settle and carryout business.
Let Mr. Andrew Yang stick to the 'Freedom Dividend' initiative and he will win the hearts of the ordinary citizens of America.. Who carry the highest percentage of voters to win an election.

Yeah, it's impossible for society to keep up with how quickly technology moves. The idea that we can replace most of the workers, like, right now, without breaking a sweat is awesome.

But, like the article says, it would completely destabilize our entire country, and the entire world. Our focus on consumerism and capitalism has brought our society to the point where we wouldn't know what the heck to do if suddenly people didn't need to work.

Our whole culture is based on doing work, making money, spending it... If suddenly you told people, you don't need to work, you can just, well, kinda live how you want. People would be so lost, and it would piss economists off to no end, and all the rich people.

There's going to need to be a fundamental shift in how we think about society in general before technology can really be used to it's fullest...

Jeff Berwick says we shouldn't fear automation, what's wrong with robots doing all the work for us. We'll still have an economy


If you don't have a job, where will you get the money to buy a robot ... to do work, so you don't have to, in order to earn money? Do you see the circular conundrum?

Money is an intermediate unit of exchange that derives its value from the labor of human beings. No labor, no value.

Read this article and drop some opinions. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

You're not going to stop automation, and their will be options for people who do try to make something of themselves. I've screwed up in life plenty of times and never went to college but I do better than your average American. No matter what happens your mind and will to succeed are always your most powerful tools. I've heard very successful people say "drop me off in the middle of nowhere with nothing and knowing no one and I will still succeed in time" I'm not going to bother reading that article because if you gather 1,000 random people very few if any would have the comprehension of money that I do.


Thanks for the reply. For the record, I'm not against automation and agree that it couldn't be stopped. What I'm concerned about is teaching computers to think (strong-AI).

No matter what happens your mind and will to succeed are always your most powerful tools.

Well, that's the whole point. If strong-AI happens, your most powerful tool, and mine, will become worthless overnight.

Anyway, I appreciate your comment. Hopefully we'll bump into each other in the comment sections in the future.

I'm not worried about AI, I'm no computer expert but from ones I trust say that AI is not what the general population thinks it is.... Melding gray matter and computers is much more dangerous as to what I can see.

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the Luddite party.

My thought exactly.

I couldn't help but to think of Player Piano, they have their luddite revolt and all the proles go and smash up all the machines but then all they have is broken machines.

Do you know that one repair tech could probably monitor 200 production line robots without a problem. Programmers, installers, repair techs, salesmen, etc.

you are right
Self-driving cars
Will cause chaos in the streets of America
Here is an important point
It is for the labor force
Which operates in leadership
It will hurt a lot
Baal is the new spring

I think most would agree that eliminating these agriculture jobs was a very good thing, lowering food prices and allowing the workforce to expand into industries that could not have been imagined at the time.

Please tell me how driverless trucks or any other modern form of automation is any different? Sure they will displace human workers, but Austrian economics (correctly) tells us this is a good thing. We are all better off when there is less work to do.

Efforts by governments or left wing groups to hamper progress towards automation is counter productive and will make us all worse off in the long run.

I’m sorry you lost your job as a truck driver, but my great grandfather lost his job as a blacksmith.


Austrian economics presumes an exchange of goods and services between humans. Once you replace humans by AI-enabled computers and robots ... all bets are off. It's like trying to apply the rules of checkers in order to play chess.

Check out this article and series of links between @cryptogee and myself and tell me why I'm wrong. And btw: I used to run a hedge fund ... I'm most definitely not a lefty.


the thought of a genius who is very very good @zer0hedge

technology post is an great post
I appreciate your post.

Plzz upvote me sir

You either work behind the technology or get replaced . BLACK mirror is happening ( If anyone watches this series)

Wonder if he has a plan for where the money for this "freedom dividend" is going to come from!

He is a politician- check your wallet.


Excellent point.

Taxes? Who will pay the taxes ... the legion of newly unemployed (by AI-enabled technologies)?

Replacing Man's brawn labor is one thing, replacing his brain labor is quite another. Thinking is the only thing that makes humans special. If human thinking becomes obsolete, then what? We have not thought this out.

I invite you to read the following article and share your thoughts.


That's true if the self driving cars start affecting people negatively, at the end of the day there will be an effect at some point.

"Self-Driving Cars Will Cause Riots In The Street"

I bet we could program the self driving cars to take care of that.

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OMG self driving cars that protest and throw Molotov's.

I think he's on the right track with UBI, but for the wrong reason. If robots we're really taking over, we'd see enormous jumps in productivity. Productivity is the lowest it's been in decades.

As to self driving cars, well, there are some very hard obstacles to overcome that have prevented them from getting into the showroom.


Classical economics are premised upon an exchange of goods and services between humans. Productivity measures output per person. Ai-enabled technologies will no longer be tools that facilitate human output, thereby increasing productivity ... they'll simply replace human beings en masse. Standard econometrics are ill-suited to gauge this paradigm shift.

I invite you to read this article and weigh-in.


this will surely bring destabilizing effect to the citizens and there will be chaos around. just imagine how many jobs will be given to this automated intelligence to cater the services of employees that rely on their income.


Yang is absolutely right about the effects of automation. The solution, though, won't be $1,000/month check. Strong-AI will decimate the economy and society as currently structured.

Here's an article (linked to a series of thought-provoking exchanges between @cryptogee and myself) about the matter. I argue that we are summoning a demon.


 7 years ago  Reveal Comment