Whatsupp Steemians and DTubers?! 👋🏼
I wanted to take the time to introduce Instagram’s new Youtube competitor platform called IGTV! I think that this is a step in the right direction for content in this day and age! Check out the video to see why!
I Get ALL Of My Music From: http://share.epidemicsound.com/lSSJs
The Camera I Use: https://amzn.to/2HyVEid
The B Roll Lens I’m Using: https://amzn.to/2qihzyk
The Microphone I Use For Vlogging: https://amzn.to/2GKwZGI
The Tripod I Use While Vlogging: https://amzn.to/2GMDsRs
My Secondary Audio Recorder: https://amzn.to/2qmn1Aj
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▶️ DTube
Yeah another platform for video creators. But but portrait... eeewwww but i guess it has to be done.
I agree with you at first instict. As someone who makes videos, verical doesn’t sit well. But back up and take a look. The way we consume content is changing. It’s on our phones a majority of the time. We may even start to see vertical TV’s. Times are changing! How exciting!
lol you know all it takes is a 90 degree turn and we good to go. last i checked it wasnt against the rules to turn your phone to watch a video ;) Im still going to give it a bash and put out some content there.
Very true! Innovate in all ways possible! I already do it with my stories :D
Hi! Friends
I am Jitendra Gautam
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and write all the posts in 5 hours. If you want to check my posts then @jkgautam and If you want that I will write posts for you then contact me at [email protected]
Love that they have launched it, hate the fact that it is vert only. would have preferred the option to have it landscape as well and then turn the phone to get full screen. But I do agree that it is a step in the right direction. I think I have put out the only negative review of it ;)
PS. dig your channel, have subbed!
Yeah I think a lot of people are upset that it's vert. It's honestly because most content is consumed vertically so it really makes sense. Thanks for subbing!
I can see in the next 10 years TV may not be around I just believe you are going to see allot more content creators
I do realised that this morning... hmm... something have changed in layout of IG :) and then “ohhh...” TV? Well sounds good ;-) this is what I have heard about marketing trends that 2018 will be a year of vertical video and this is happening actually :) I remember that day in 2015 when I have installed Snapchat for the first time and said “wtf is that shit?” :-) vertical video? No way... BANG 2018 and you’ve got vertical TV even :-)
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Yeah I think a lot of content will be shifting in this direction. It makes sense. I guess we'll have to wait and see!!
Wow that's interesting bro! Thanks for sharing this. First time I heard of it. Vertical movies. I wonder if I should start making vertical movies with my DSLR's hahahaha
Yeah man exciting times! You should go check out Jesse Driftwood on IG. He's been killing the vert Stories with his DSLR.
Interesting idea for IG to do. It actually makes sense. Still don't think I'll use it, but, good idea.
I think now is the time for people to hop on. It's early and there's still a lot of innovation to be made with it! Great spot for influencers, plus they are saying it will probably be monetized.
Very interesting introduction about IGTV, I just heard about IGTV, this is important information for me, thank you for sharing
No problem! Glad I could help!
Hi! Friends
I am Jitendra Gautam
If you want to earn huge money from steemit.
If you not able to write a unique catchy content then I have an offer for you I will write 10 posts for you, in return you have to give 1 steam dollar
and write all the posts in 5 hours. If you want to check my posts then @jkgautam and If you want that I will write posts for you then contact me at [email protected]
Finally, a step in the right direction (some might disagree but I'm pretty sure, it won't last forever & eventually they learn to accept it). Great content btw :)