Till now, Telegram is the most hyped ICO ever. Telegram already raised $1.7 billion dollar in a secrete private fund raising events. Most interesting part is that Telegram is backed up by the silicon valley investors. It is rumored that most of the investment comes from silicon valley. You can imagine the power of the projects. Good back up from the institutional investors is a good sign that it is a great project.
But Telegram Journey is not smooth. First, Iran banned it as they claim it is jeopardize their national security. Telegram is a secrete messaging app. So the government agency does not any control over the message sent it by Telegram. To me, it is a great project. I hope that Founder of Telegram will maintain his integrity over its security and privacy.
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Recently, Russian government also banned the use of telegram. As a result we have seen angry demonstration in Moscow. Demonstrators demand the withdrawal of its ban. But the government has its own agenda. They want to breach the privacy and security provided by Telegram.
Till Now, Founder of Telegram app is determined to maintain his positive. He will not compromise with its privacy and security. Because of this feature and government ban, Telegram apps is gaining more popularity than ever before.
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It's more interesting HOW they ban Telegram in Russia. They fought it so fiercely that half of the Internet has difficultties including main social media, major banks, payment processors and even government sites themselves.
Government becomes crazy due to decentralized technology
Calll me paranoid, but if I were a government keen on censorship I'd invest enough in a project like this to be able to influence it in my favour...???
I also do the same
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