Telegram shelves plans for a public ICO; this comes following two funding rounds from private investors which have jointly raised $1.7B; Telegram intends to use these funds to develop a new digital payment platform known as the ”Telegram Open Network” - Link
Goldman Sachs set to begin trading Bitcoin futures within coming weeks; this news comes out of a report from the New York Times; the exact launch date of the trading operation is not yet confirmed; however, the bank’s board of directors have reportedly signed off on it - Link
The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance releases set of business standards; these were previously teased at a London blockchain event in April; called the ”Enterprise Ethereum Architecture Stack”, these guidelines will be used by corporations to provide a framework for ”the next generation” of EEA applications - Link
Dubai announces a blockchain-based business registry; this is intended to help companies enter the UAE market and comply with existing regulations; Dubai will partner with IBM to develop the system; this comes as the lastest part of the city’s ”2020 Blockchain Strategy” - Link
Coinbase to open subdivision in Chicago; these plans come at a time when Coinbase is pursuing an aggressive expansion of its operations and businesses, including a acquisition spree; the location of Chicago for the office was chosen due to its popularity among institutional investors and professional firms - Link
Ethereum developer proposes ERC865 token that allows users to pay transfer fees with tokens instead of ETH; this is due to prevent Ether gas fees from appearing confusing to clients; this allows users to delegate transfers of tokens to a third party, which pays for the gas, all in one transaction - Link
Berkeley in California is coming closer to becoming the first municipality to use blockchain tech to raise funds for community projects; this comes following a vote in Berkeley’s City Council; the city would issue a ”blockchain municipal bond” sold for less than $5K - Link
Reddit looks to re-allow Bitcoin payments; moreover, Ethereum and Litecoin support is reportedly incoming; this comes as Reddit previously disabled Bitcoin as a viable payment method for Reddit Gold back in March; Reddit claims that support was removed due to issues with Coinbase’s payment platform - Link
Substratum’s Twitter account temporarily hacked; the Substratum Network seeks to make a decentralized web hosting accessible globally; the hack appears to have been intended to briefly raise the price of the currency with a fraudulent statement, a so-called ”pump and dump”; Substratum has now regained control over the account - Link
The Ethereum Foundation has announced a new set of grants being offered to 22 ecosystem projects; the grants total $2.84M and will be used to assist organizations working on expanding the Ethereum ecosystem; the foundation issued grants related to scalability, security and so-called ”#buidl" grants - Link
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