I was never one of those binge-watchers and never will. But I do enjoy some television once in a while usually family movie night or nature or something I can learn something or I love commedy, but to tell you the truth I get tired by watching more than 2 hrs television.
Now I don't even have cable, since it's waste of my time and money and there is nothing really I like to watch.
I can't believe how much of our life time people spend watching useless things and just living other peoples lives and not their own lives.
The same thing goes for our kids. I think kids enjoy the outside so much more than the television, but most parents use tv's as a babysitter and then the children are used to the television instead of doing and learning things by playing outside and so for that reason it does not surprise me that our bone strength and density gets weaker and weaker.
TV could be better if it had higher engagement from the people producing the content. But now it's too many middle hands producing the content. And it takes too long time to create something. It's a lack of connection to the one who is watching.
It's produced not out of passion but to appeal to as many as possible so they make it as simple as possible. It's a lack of excitement. And it's always the same predictable story they create the scripts from. Since I run a YouTube channel that has received over 600 million views I know that you need to format the videos in such a way that it receives the most amount of clicks possible. That's the only way you can make it into a living.
But now with services like Steemit we can produce more niche content that can fit smaller audiences. It becomes more engaging and it's more designed the way a person wants it. It reach smaller amount of people but it's extremely targeted so you can create a better profit. Which is very exciting!