Once you get past the fact that these shows (Flash, Arrow, LoT, Supergirl) are on the CW network, the network that caters primarily to teenage girls, and that these shows spend as much time "shipping" as they do building up a good villain, the show is really not half bad.
Not knowing much about the comic book Flash, I am unfamiliar with all of the comic enemies, so I'm intrigued so far with S4. Also, I understand this will be the first season the Flash will not be going up against another speedster, so that should at be something different,
Time will tell how S4 progresses, but so far I'm not terribly disappointed.
Oh I've been saying that since the beginning. Although, I'd be a damn bold faced liar if I said I didn't enjoy the hell out of a lot of CW shows. Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals (to an extent), Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, iZombie. So while I recognize a lot of the clicheness and teenage drama. Most of the time the overall product is enjoyable for me. The flash has just been slowly falling out of my good graces.