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RE: What Do You Get For All Of That Binge-Watching?

in #television7 years ago

Thanks for sharing! This article touches on something I learned a while back, GET RID OF THE TV! Honestly, it's been the best decision I've made just by the sheer number of new opportunities it opened. In the vast amount of free time gained, I took up reading, writing, and new hobbies like brewing beer. When you said the average person spends 10 hours watching tv...I just felt sadness for them. Spend 8 hours in bed, walk to the car to drive to work and sit at your desk all day, just to drive back and sit in front of the tv until you rinse and repeat...Do you have a tv still?


going point! but there are some who might get rid of the tv and think that was the solution.. but then they spend just as much time if not more in front of their laptop, computer, or tablet, time spent consuming content and fueling a sedentary lifestyle..