The first season of Agents of SHIELD was like any first season Joss Whedon ever came out with. It was slow, it focused on establishing some things about the main characters, so that they could work together later. And if you give the guy time to work, he will deliver. If you just watch the first season of any of his series, you'll probably don't like his work (Firefly, anyone?).
I personally like the show a lot, I still think the characters are really, really well-characterized, and as much as I agree with you about Skye, I guess there's at least two major reasons for her to be one of the main focuses of the show - one being the great deal of affection for her that drives Coulson to do whatever he does, and the other being the constant theme of the dangers and limitations of having powers, which is a pretty weak one in 2018. BUt I honestly don't think that they are trying too hard to make her at the center of the show anymore, I think the highlights of the previous season, for instance, were Ghost Rider (who is linked with Skye at first, and then takes the lead) and the AMAZING performance of Fitz as a very convincing nazi-like Hydra doctor.
I don't quite understand what you're implying by the reference to Firefly. It had less than a season and is more universally appreciated by the people I know than any other show ever.
Sorry for the late reply, I have been busy the last few days :) The two shows don't share much in terms of content, but when it came out, Firefly was so underrated that they ended up canceling the show, only to regret it later. I'm mostly talking about narration. The fact is that Whedon has his way of leading his characters towards the "interesting" parts of the plot, and that's why some consider AoS first season as "weak television", as the author of the post has put it.