Telos Central – Feb 2019

in #telos6 years ago (edited)

golden gate.png
Golden Gate pass in South Africa.

Bounty Hunt Winner.

As most of you know, we had a bounty-hunt for an Airdrop logo for our Telos Airdrop Tracker Website. Deciding on a winner was a difficult choice as we received many, very good submissions, but unfortunately, there can only be one winner.

In the end, it came down to the following two submissions:

1: The submission from a Telegram user by the name, Vatc.
Vatc 1.png

2: The submission from a Telegram user by the name, BumPlum.
Bumplum 0.jpg

And the winner is:

We liked both submissions a lot and had to try them out on our website to see which one worked best. We're glad to announce that the submission from Vatc is the one that we chose to use. Congratulations Vact, you're the winner of our 500 TLOS, logo bounty.

We would like to thank everyone for participating and we hope to open another bounty soon.

Surprize announcement:

We originally only planned to reward the winner with 500 TLOS, but since it was so close we decided to award BumPlum 250 TLOS for his submission as well.

Airdrop Website

We decided to use the blue logo in the normal view.

The black logo is used on the Airdrop submission page.

We're also glad to announce that we received our first Airdrop Submission on the Telos Airdrop Tracker Website. Cards and Tokens will be doing an Airdrop and is the first to submit the details regarding their airdrop to the website. Go and check out the details.

If you're planning on doing an Airdrop, remember to submit the details on the website so that we can help you raise awareness regarding your project.

Centralized Proxy

We registered the Centralized Proxy in an effort to create a proxy that is truly fair, transparent and rewards Block Producers based on their actual output. The Centralized Proxy works on a points system based on the links that are listed on Telos Central.

If you think that this is a fair way to vote and reward block producers, then use the Centralized Proxy (centralizedp).

We also have a link on our website to our, as well as all the other proxies under the "Proxies" category.

Donation Fund

Some dApps have referral programs and we are using these for our donation fund which you can support by using the following links on the Telos Central Website:

  1. EOS Playstation

  2. Telos Planet

More information regarding our donation fund can be found at Telos Central. Click on Disclosure and then on Donations and you'll see the following:
Thank you for supporting us.

Web Traffic

The Telos Central web directory has started to gain some traction as web traffic is picking up. The unique IP visits to the website are as follows:
November: 107
December: 539
January: 1317

unique visits.PNG
Above is a screenshot of the unique IP visits to the Telos Central Web Directory.

Above is a more detailed graph regarding web traffic.

These statistics are a very positive sign regarding the interest and growth of Telos.
We hope it continues rising along the current path.

Telos Central Produces its 1st Blocks

After being skipped twice, Telos Central finally produced our first blocks with an average CPU processing time of around 2ms. We now have a baseline performance on which we can build and we're hoping to be among the top 21 regarding performance on our next rotation.

1st blocks.PNG


We’re committed to helping make the Telos blockchain one that sets an example for the true potential that blockchain has to offer.

You can also support us by voting "teloscentral" or using our proxy "centralizedp".
Join our Telegram Group and stay up to date.

Telos Central