The Emergence of Temtum Blockchain Technology

in #temtum5 years ago

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Temtum is a new crypto currency that’s technologically advanced and widely accepted blockchain coin across the globe. Temtum focuses on enhancing better speed, security, availability, and aims to be more resourceful. Temtum strives to be the most widely accepted and preferred choice of crypto currency across the globe.
Ideally, temtum was coined from two distinct concepts of blockchain technology; Temporal blockchain ( Tem), and quantum randomness (Tum). Temtum introduces a mainstream payment method which in the history of crypto currency, no crypto currency has ever achieved this kind of payment option like Temtum before. Temtum is a resourceful, reliable, with a friendly coin payment method which makes it more better and mostly preferable than the normal paper currency payment method.

Temtum History

Temtum was created by Dragon Infosec CTO Richard Dennis. With his team which comprises of Cintya Aguirre Dr. Gareth Owenson, Ginger Saltos, who are experts in cyber security and cryptography. They came together to help solve some tech problems and also developed new tech that would be used for mainstream payment. Temtum is a soely develop e and created by Richard after having gone through several researches and courses.

Problems of other Blockchain Technology

Technologically, blockchain is still a growing technology. It’s changing several industries across the globe with it digitized, reliable, and transferable means of sharing and collecting data. However, some notable blockchain network have experienced some significant problems which has made they to lack behind what they have hoped to deliver and achieve. Some of these problems include;

  • Lack of speed: Many blockchain technologies are relatively lacking in speed. Some of them takes between 10-15 minutes to complete a single transaction which isn’t good for mainstream payment method.

  • Security issue: Blockchain technology is open to lots of security issues soliciting as hacking. Users account details and other vital information are not well protected.

  • Resourceful: Many blockchain technology are not particularly resourceful and because if this, there are lots of wasteful and inefficient mechanisms in place.

And Most importantly, most existing blockchain technology are not scalable.

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Why should you use Temtum? (Non Negotiable)

Basically, Many blockchain technology are experiencing lots of setbacks and limitations. Due to this, they find it difficult to fulfill all the promises they have made such as seamless payment method. Temtum is here to address majority of the aforementioned issues most blockchain networks are facing.

  • High speed: Temtum has no block size limitations unlike most blockchain networks that have block size limitations. This will make transactions confirmation faster. Advanced Consensus Algorithm is put in place.

  • Security: Temtum uses phonton source which helps to protect it networks from hacking and other cyberattacks.

  • Resourceful : Temtum uses Consensus Algorithm which eliminates any firm of waste and inefficiency. It also uses expend less energy.

  • Scalable: Temtum ensures that all it chain history are not decentralized plus, it doesn’t archive data locally. It also prevents node selection competition.


The most vital parts of the temtum network are it Temporal blockchain, Algorithm, and Consensus. With the Temporal, oval nodes can analyse themselves and can as well archive data, and this helps to minimize storage space.

Below are resource links provided to aid you learn more about the Temtum Temporal Network:

Github :

Author - Nwankwobtt
Url -;u=1811995