Who doesn't love a good fun game? I've seen a few of my Steemit friends play along and it's been a lot of fun to read. Thought I'd throw myself in the mix.
The rules are pretty simple. You pick the lie from the list below, comment with your guess and I'll give you the answer in 7 days.
It'd be fun if you create one of your own too!

Here We Go...
In the 8th grade I went all year without wearing the same pair of shoes twice
I've been in Mexican jail
I was born with 3 thumbs
I can't whistle
I'm afraid of water balloons
I have 6 tattoos
I was trilingual by age 4
I've never skinny-dipped
I did commercials when I was young
I loathe black pens and only write in blue
I once dropped acid with Bradley from Sublime
I'm going to say 10 just because I find it more fun for the rest of options to be true :D !
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Hmm would you lie... well I guess given the nature of the post, yes! That pic has me worried you may also bite though! I'm going to go with 4 because I like the number four :)
Oh i bite 😂
I knew it 😂
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I'm going to guess number 6. This is fun. @didic nominated me but I haven't gotten mine done yet. LOL
It really is a lot of fun! I’m enjoying everyone’s guesses
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Ummm, didn't Gina Bot give you the memo? I nominated you for this a few days ago. :)
And I'm going to guess 5, simply because I'm a little afraid of them myself. :P
Love all these tidbits - can't wait to hear which one is the lie. :D
You did?! Ok so how do i use Gina lol
LOL! Okay, so that explains it. :D
Here's the link to the post with the Gina bot info.
I thought I would be notified of mentions too, haha- this link is helpful!
Ps hi @traciyork!
I can do you one better, @lilycampbell - when I first joined, I didn't know I'd need to click on the "replies" tab to see if people commented on my stuff. I think it was a couple weeks before I figured it out... LMAO!
waves hello to Lily
Hey there! I was just thinking about you a few days ago. Still haven't finished that post I mentioned to you, and remembered it when I did a second round of my Ten Facts, One Lie . One of my 11 tidbits alludes to my bisexuality...LOL
Let me know when you write it!
Steemit has multiple little details like that which are a bit learn as you go, haha!
Will do!
And, totally - LOL!
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(even though I didn't win..LOL)
Hmm... maybe you have a different number than six tattoos. I'll go with that one. :)
I’ll let you know in a few days ;)
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Okay. This is great fun. I'm guessing that you have more than 6 tattoos. Going to give this a try also.
Will do a reveal a day or two before the payout.
Is it my taste in music that makes you say that? 😉
Nope, not your music. Just a gut feeling. ;)
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I am so bad at these games and then I never want to guess because I'm afraid of offending.
Oh I’m impossible to offend, play along if you’d like!
Ha ha OK. Well then I am guessing number 3
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OMG these are so good! Hahah I have no idea. I want to say 3 thumbs but that is by far not the wildest thing on there!
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Haha will let you know soon. Which one do you think is wildest? I’m curious 🤔
Maybe #1?! Hahah!
oh this one is hard, usually one jumps out at me, was going to say 5 but that has been said so, 8 there you go. have a great weekend @appiepearl x
I’ll let you know in a couple days. Enjoy the weekend!
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I am guessing number 8 😎
Reveal coming in a few days ;)
😎 I am starting to work on my reveal post 😎
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Ok seriously, most are so weird that I have NO idea which one to choose - so I'll just lurk on the comments waiting for the answer xD And yes, Traci nominated you !!
I have heard of Gina but just never did anything with it lol. I will today so i don’t miss anything.
Thanks @traciyork !!
LOL! @meanmommy33 is such a bad lurker - you're not supposed to announce you're lurking, silly lady... 😆💜
And you're very welcome, appiepearl! I wish I'd found it sooner, but it's been sooo helpful!
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I think it's 10! Who doesn't LOVE black ink? Black on white paper - it's my favourite thing in the world :')
Hahaha time will tell ;)
I’ll reveal once the comments stop coming in
I have joined in too! Couldn't stay behind with the game :D
Yay! Off to go read yours...
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I'll go with number 9 that is a special number for me:)
Exited to know how this will develop ;)
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With all these challenges going around, I was inspired to create my own, and I tagged you for it! Hope it's okay! Here's the link: https://steemit.com/loveitshoveit/@snowpea/the-love-it-shove-it-challenge
FUN! Thank you!
This is fun... Um, I'll choose number 3.
Haha I’ll do a reveal post today
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😂😆😉 I don't believe #8 😇 no moonlight swims after too much romance or pina colada ? 😇
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