👽#Tengri137 Part 2: Odin’s Triple Horn: Most Perfect “Diabolic” Magic Squares (DTube)

in #tengri7 years ago (edited)

In this video I continue further into the cryptic puzzle known as Tengri 137, which some are calling as mathematical “proof” that aliens or higher intelligence are making contact with us, and this time explore the Odin’s Triple Horn calculation. The Odin’s Triple Horn is the “stylized emblem of the Norse God Odin”, and is in the image of three drinking horns intertwined together. The Tengri 137 documents show what looks like the Odin’s Horn but is made up of 6 squares that are 4x4 in size. In fact, looking closely at the squares it is clear that they are not only magic squares, but most perfect magic squares! While this is really cool, and after hours of OVER-analyzing the Odin Horn, I realized that it is in fact just a very basic application of matrix linear algebra. This is because with some matrix transformations and manipulations we can in fact not only create an infinite number of most-perfect magic squares, but it is very easy to obtain the exact 6 used in the Tengri 137!

While many people looking at the Tengri 137 documents seemed perplexed about the mathematics involved in the Triple Horn, this may in fact be because mathematics seems alien to many people 😉. After researching more into perfect squares, it is clear that for a 4x4 square, there are only 3 distinct “pandiagonal” or “panmagic” or “most perfect magic” squares. And from these we can easily obtain any number of perfect squares. In this video I illustrate this by creating a pretty elaborate Excel spreadsheet in which I first show the steps I took to realize the patters in the Odin Horn, as well as the matrix manipulation transformations I used to obtain the Triple Horn Squares. I also made everything automated so make sure to download the Excel file and play around with it, as it is pretty amazing!

What’s also interesting is that the derivation of such “magical” squares is part of what is known as “recreational” mathematics. Furthermore, the panmagic squares are also known as “diabolic” or “diabolical” magic squares! Combined with the fact that the Tengri 137 has some pretty cool mathematics and overuse of the Biblical number of the beast 666, this whole cryptic puzzle series might just be an elaborate hoax by a pretty gifted (and bored) mathematician. I am not saying that it is a hoax, but it appears to be. I will check out some of the other calculations as well. Let me know what you think by commenting below!

Download the notes in my video:

Written Notes: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIhuo_7SHHI4Va4cnxYw Excel Calculator: https://1drv.ms/x/s!As32ynv0LoaIhupAQA3Iz2zg2OswYg

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It took me many hours of over-analyzing #Tengri137’s Odin’s Triple Horn to realize it was just basic matrix transformations… #smh #cicada3301 #magicsquares

View Video Notes on Steemit: https://steemit.com/tengri137/@mes/video-notes-tengri137-part-2-odin-s-triple-horn-most-perfect-diabolic-magic-squares

View the full video series: https://mes.fm/tengri137-playlist

Hy brother your video is very impressive
I like your video, if you free time dont forget to visited my channel, i am newbie so if my video so bad i hope dont laugh me 😉
