2.6. Singles tournament Izlake open
- round P vs Roman Kržišnik 6:0, 2. round P vs Denis Uranič 6:0, SF P vs Lojz Ašič 9:3, F P vs Rome 6:3 6:2
5.6. Seniors league Slovenia - Trbovlje vs Krško 4:5 our team had 3 match points to win it, but we didnt make it!
P vs Primož Gajšek 5:7 2:6
I started well and was leading 4:1 with a good control but after that my game fell apart . He plays really good tactically and returning all balls back passivelly. Was so pissed i lost my focus and started tilting. I broke my racket after 10 years or so.
7.6. Summer league Celje P vs Kris Stremecki 6:4 3:6 STB 10:6
11.6. P vs Amel Mrvoljak frendly tennis
14.6. P vs Ule Aljoša trenning 6:4 6:1 6:0
16.6. Sigles Tournament Lokrovec
- round P vs Ribič 9:1 Was playing good atacking tennis. 2.R P vs Matic Kveder 3:9 Played bad and coldn't find my attacking filling. He is pain in the ass- he doesnt miss a ball. Respect.
18.6. P vs Robi Pikl 6:0 6:1 5:1 trenning
20.6. P vs Ule Aljoša 7:5 6:1 4:1 trenning
22.6. P vs Iztok Deželak 6:3 7:6 trenning
24.6. Seniors league Slovenia - Trbovlje vs Velenje 1:8
P vs Lebar Sebastian 1:6 3:6 I have to learn how to play against players who just bring the ball back. Was again so pissed of myself that i couldn't do better against this kind of player.
26.6. P vs Ule Aljoša 6:4 6:3 trenning we played good agrro tennis.
29.6. P vs Ratej trenning in Žalec 6:4 6:3 6:1