Nanomaterials (C-60) and terahertz findings and links; heavy metal remedy

Tony Pantallereco sharing more links and resources, which include Paul W. Kincaid's post: Harnessing 200 volts positive of free, unlimited and unmetered pure electrical energy on 20 November 2013 on

The Science Daily, for latest research news, features "New testing finds synergistic combination leads to toxicity in nanomaterials" and byline "where scientists say their testing approach may also provide for early detection that would keep production on track" published on 29 June 2018 by University Of Oregon as source. The summary details: A new study finds reason for caution--a clear emergency of toxicity--in nanomaterial product formulations, but it also provides an early testing technique that could help the industry continue to more forward.

The second article shared by Tony, "Closing the gap: On the road to terahertz electronics" with byline "asymmetric plasmonic antennas deliver femtosecond pulses for fast optoelectronics" published on 26 June 2018 by Technical University Of Munich. The summary details: Scientists have succeeded for the first time in generating ultrashort electric pulses on a chip using metal antennas only a few nanometers in size, then running the signals a few millimeters above the surface and reading them in again a controlled manner. The technology enables the development of new, power terahertz components.

Fiona For Health (choosing peace, promoting health, living compassion) published an noteworthy article, "Why can't you get better? It could be nano-particle poisoning" published on 28 June 2018 .

The following link is to work that is supported by NSF grants . The nine page document is entitled, "Terahertz detection in single wall carbon nanotubes", by seven students from the University Of Massachusetts, Amherst, the Department of Electrical And Computer Engineering. The Abstract specifies target: Terahertz radiation from 0.69 THz to 2.54 THz sensitively detected in device consisting of bundles of metallic carbon nanotubes (quasi-optically coupled through lithographically fabricated antenna) and silicon lens.

The American Chemical Society published 29 May 2014 in NANO LETTERS, "Carbon Nanotube Terahertz Detector" , by twelve students from Rice University, Houston, Texas; Tokyo Institute Of Technology, Japan; Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, California; and King Abdulaziz University, Saudia Arabia.

s'mo: beginning to feel like i'm not doing enough to detox heavy metals.
tony: do what can and go from there. STS will set one free.
s'mo: STS is no longer available, but it's a pool cleaner ingredient.

REMEDY to pull lead/metals out of brain:
B1 100 mg
MSM 1000mg or nac 500 mg
C 1000 mg
take 3-4 doses per day

Tony's nutritional routine w/1-1.5 meals/day:
i) blend: 125ml yogurt
scoop protein powder (concentrate & isolate blend, vanilla, sunflower lecithin)
minerals (B-complex. high stress, support adrenals: B5, Vit A. heavy air pollution, support respiratory: NaC, alpha lepolic acid, onion, garlic, Vit C, B1, A)

ii) small portion meat/poultry/eggs/cheese, mash potatoes w/garlic & butter

Tony mentioned article details: The microwave conductivity and permittivity of both single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT and MWCNT) sponges were measured while compressing the samples. Compression leads to a huge variation of the absorptance, reflectance, and transmittance of the samples. The dependence of the microwave conductivity on the sponge density follows a power-law relation with exponents 1.7±0.1 and 2.0±0.2 for MWCNT and SWCNT sponges, respectively. These exponents can be decreased slightly by the addition of a nonconducting component which partly electrically separates adjacent tubes within the samples. The conductivity of MWCNT sponge was measured in the terahertz range while heating in air from 300 K to 513 K and it increased due to an increase of a number of conducting channels in MWCNTs.

s'mo: this can fry cells---

Tony: DNA, RNA, mitochondria, brain, cooked from inside out or from top down. C-60 promoters declare C-60 comes out in ten days--BS. now if one does seven-day a week usage, then week takes over two months and ten days to exit body. imagine taking one month: nine months before complete clearance, based on what promoters state. TRUE: C-60 does not come out; C-60 accumulates.

community service channel, uploading Tony's podcasts.

nanopoisoning resources:

donate to support sign in for chatroom access to links: check schedule for date and time for when Tony's on live: 's Mainstream Nano Docs tony's resource directory by s'mo tony's catalog and inventory tony's database HerbsPlusBeadWorks' remedies collaborators: i) Suzanne Maher's ii) protocols for colon health

contact details for consultation: independz at yahoo dot com
questions: +1 51nine 97seven 535one
or +1 20eight 93five 009four

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