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RE: America Has Been Sold Out And These Are The People Who Did It - Episode 1557b

in #term-limits7 years ago

BIBI is such a BULLSHIT artist that he should get the IRSAELI equivalent of the OSCAR for his power point presentation . 😂😆Totally avoiding any mention of ISRAEL’S 🇮🇱 Completely illegal nuclear arsenal . Yeah I think PUTIN very strategically told the DEEP STATE if one nuclear weapon heads in our direction , then all of our (CHINA & RUSSIA) BETTER FASTER , and MORE DEADLY nukes will fly your way . Which everyone should know by now that we cannot shot theirs down , but they can shot ours down . And possibly even shot ours right in their silos . Which would be HORRIFIC ❗️That kind of an event would put the entire planet at risk for a GIGANTIC tectonic shift and would split this continent in two . That being said look at the leaked NAVAL ware fare map 🗺 of future American map . Did they entertain that possibility ❓ THINK .