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RE: What Muslims Believe

in #terrorism8 years ago (edited)

This post is a great topic for discussion. However, I cannot agree when a Bible verse is taken out of context because it gives it a completely different meaning from what it really is. The Book of Deuteronomy is really about Moses giving his final speech/lesson to the new generation of Israel that had just come out of slavery and wondered in the desert for 40 years and are about to enter the promised land.

The speech is broken up into three large sections: Ch. 1-11 highlights Israel’s rebellion and resistance while they were in the desert. This is also when Moses reminds them of the Ten Commandments and saids, “Listen Oh Israel, The Lord is our God, the Lord Alone. ‘Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, soul, and strength.” Why would Moses find it necessary to give this reminder? For 40 years in the desert, not everyone was faithful to God, some became idol worshippers, and now they are about enter a land where people are worshipping many different gods. So it became imperative for Moses to “remind, remind and remind” their loyalty to the One God.

The second section: Ch. 12- 26 is really an explanation/clarification of all the previous laws given by God. Here Moses expands on the meaning that is relevant to the new generation of Israel. Such as how Israel is to worship God, laws about leadership structure, laws about social justice, etc. After all this, Moses warns them about the consequences about their obedience and disobedience which will result in blessings or curse. Abundant blessings if they are obedient and faithful to Gods laws, or famine, plagues and forced off their land if they are disobedient. We have to remember the warnings were very harsh because the curse will only be far worse if Israel were to disobey God and worship lesser gods.

Here’s one video of Dr. Michael Heiser (Biblical Scholar PhD in Hebrew Bible and Semitic languages) explaining about worship of lesser gods in the Bible.

The third section: Ch. 27-34 is a final section of Moses’ speech. Here, he is explaining to Israel that they have a choice of “life” or “death,” - blessing or curse, so to choose life. This section is also a reminder of the Original Sin in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve was also blessed by God, just like Israel, and given a choice to trust and obey God. However, we all know how that turned out.